All books, rows 1 through 250 of 8357 total books.
à Beckett, Gilbert Abbott | The Comic History of England | 1864 |
Abbott, Edwin Abbott | Flatland--A Romance of Many Dimensions | 1884 |
Abbott, Edwin Abbott | How to Parse | 1878 |
Abbott, John Stevens Cabot | Benjamin Franklin-a picture of the struggles of our infant nation one hundred years ago (American Pioneers and Patriots) | 1876 |
Abbott, John Stevens Cabot | The Adventures of the Chevalier De La Salle, and his Companions in their explorations of the prairies, forests, lakes, and rivers, of the New World, and their interviews with the savage tribes, two hundred years ago. | 1875 |
Abert, Hermann | Robert Schumann | 1910 |
Aborigines' Protection Society | Canada West and the Hudson's-Bay Company | 1856 |
Abraham, Berthe | Le Feu sous la Cendre | 1920 |
Adam, Graeme Mercer | History of Toronto and County of York, Ontario Volume 1 of 2 | 1885 |
Adam, Graeme Mercer | History of Toronto and County of York, Ontario Volume 2 of 2 | 1885 |
Adam, Graeme Mercer | Illustrated Quebec | 1893 |
Adam, Graeme Mercer | Makers of American History: The Lewis and Clark Exploring Expedition, 1804-06 — and — Life, Explorations, and Public Services of John Charles Fremont | 1905 |
Adam, Graeme Mercer | Public School History of England and Canada, with Introduction, Hints to Teachers, and Brief Examination Questions | 1886 |
Adam, Graeme Mercer | Sandow on physical training: a study in the perfect type of the human form | 1894 |
Adam, Graeme Mercer | Spain and Portugal | 1910 |
Adam, Graeme Mercer | The Canadian North-west: Its History and Its Troubles, From the Early Days of the Fur-Trade to the Era of the Railway and the Settler with Incidents of Travel in the Region, and The Narrative of Three Insurrections | 1885 |
Adam, Graeme Mercer | Toronto, Old, and New | 1891 |
Adamic, Louis | The Native's Return—An American Immigrant Visits Yugoslavia And Discovers His Old Country | 1934 |
Adams, Andy (ps) | Mystery of the Arabian Stallion | 1965 |
Adams, Charles Kendall | A History of the United States | 1909 |
Adams, Eustace L. | Over the Polar Ice (Andy Lane Flying Series #2) | 1928 |
Adams, Eustace L. | The Flying Windmill (Andy Lane Flying Series #8) | 1930 |
Adams, Harriet Stratemeyer | A Three-Cornered Mystery (The Dana Girls Mystery Stories #4) | 1935 |
Adams, Harriet Stratemeyer | By the Light of the Study Lamp (The Dana Girls Mystery Stories #1) | 1934 |
Adams, Harriet Stratemeyer | In the Shadow of the Tower (The Dana Girls Mystery Stories #3) | 1934 |
Adams, Harriet Stratemeyer | Nancy's Mysterious Letter [Revised] (Nancy Drew Mystery [Revised] #8) | 1968 |
Adams, Harriet Stratemeyer | The Bobbsey Twins in Mexico (Bobbsey Twins #40) | 1947 |
Adams, Harriet Stratemeyer | The Clue in the Old Stagecoach (Nancy Drew Mystery #37) | 1960 |
Adams, Harriet Stratemeyer | The Clue of the Black Flower (The Dana Girls Mystery Stories #18) | 1956 |
Adams, Harriet Stratemeyer | The Clue of the Dancing Puppet (Nancy Drew Mystery #39) | 1962 |
Adams, Harriet Stratemeyer | The Clue of the Whistling Bagpipes (Nancy Drew Mystery #41) | 1964 |
Adams, Harriet Stratemeyer | The Invisible Intruder (Nancy Drew Mystery #46) | 1969 |
Adams, Harriet Stratemeyer | The Moonstone Castle Mystery (Nancy Drew Mystery #40) | 1963 |
Adams, Harriet Stratemeyer | The Mystery of the 99 Steps (Nancy Drew Mystery #43) | 1966 |
Adams, Harriet Stratemeyer | The Mystery of the Fire Dragon (Nancy Drew Mystery #38) | 1961 |
Adams, Harriet Stratemeyer | The Phantom of Pine Hill (Nancy Drew Mystery #42) | 1965 |
Adams, Harriet Stratemeyer | The Ringmaster's Secret (Nancy Drew Mystery #31) | 1953 |
Adams, Harriet Stratemeyer | The Secret at Lone Tree Cottage (The Dana Girls Mystery Stories #2) | 1934 |
Adams, Harriet Stratemeyer | The Secret of the Old Clock [Revised Edition] (Nancy Drew Mystery [Revised] #1) | 1959 |
Adams, Harriet Stratemeyer | The Spider Sapphire Mystery (Nancy Drew Mystery #45) | 1968 |
Adams, Harriet Stratemeyer | The Tower Treasure [Revised Edition] (Hardy Boys #1) | 1959 |
Adams, Harriet Stratemeyer | The Winking Ruby Mystery (The Dana Girls Mystery Stories #19) | 1957 |
Adams, James Truslow | The Epic of America | 1931 |
Adams, Mary Electa | From Distant Shores | 1898 |
Adamson, Hendrik | Auli, rakonto pri knabeto | 1934 |
Aitken, Max | Politicians and the War 1914-1916 | 1928 |
Aitken, Max | The Decline and Fall of Lloyd George | 1963 |
Albani, Emma | Forty Years of Song | 1911 |
Aldrich, Bess Streeter | A Lantern in her Hand | 1928 |
Aldrich, Bess Streeter | A White Bird Flying | 1931 |
Aldrich, Bess Streeter | Miss Bishop | 1933 |
Aldrich, Bess Streeter | Mother Mason | 1916 |
Aldrich, Bess Streeter | Song of Years | 1939 |
Aldrich, Bess Streeter | The Cutters | 1926 |
Aldrich, Bess Streeter | The Lieutenant’s Lady | 1942 |
Alger, Horatio Jr. | Ben, the Luggage Boy, or, Among the Wharves | 1870 |
Allee, Marjorie Hill | Jane's Island | 1931 |
Allee, Marjorie Hill | Jungle Island | 1925 |
Allen, Grant | An African Millionaire: Episodes in the Life of the Illustrious Colonel Clay | 1897 |
Allen, Grant | Colin Clout's Calendar: The Record of a Summer, April-October | 1883 |
Allen, Grant | County and Town in England Together with some Annals of Churnside | 1901 |
Allen, Grant | Dumaresq's Daughter, Volume 1 | 1891 |
Allen, Grant | Dumaresq's Daughter, Volume 2 | 1891 |
Allen, Grant | Dumaresq's Daughter, Volume 3 | 1891 |
Allen, Grant | Flashlights on Nature | 1899 |
Allen, Grant | Florence Vol 1 of 2 | 1901 |
Allen, Grant | Florence Vol 2 of 2 | 1901 |
Allen, Grant | Flowers and Their Pedigrees | 1902 |
Allen, Grant | Force and Energy; A Theory of Dynamics | 1888 |
Allen, Grant | Grant Allen's Historical Guides: Cities of Belgium | 1902 |
Allen, Grant | Ivan Greet's Masterpiece | 1893 |
Allen, Grant | Ivan Greet's Masterpiece: A Social Difficulty | 1893 |
Allen, Grant | Ivan Greet's Masterpiece: Claude Tyack's Ordeal | 1893 |
Allen, Grant | Ivan Greet's Masterpiece: Ivan Greet's Masterpiece | 1893 |
Allen, Grant | Ivan Greet's Masterpiece: Karen | 1893 |
Allen, Grant | Ivan Greet's Masterpiece: Melissa's Tour | 1893 |
Allen, Grant | Ivan Greet's Masterpiece: My Circular Tour | 1893 |
Allen, Grant | Ivan Greet's Masterpiece: Pallinghurst Barrow | 1893 |
Allen, Grant | Ivan Greet's Masterpiece: The Abbe's Repentance | 1893 |
Allen, Grant | Ivan Greet's Masterpiece: The Chinese Play at The Haymarket | 1893 |
Allen, Grant | Ivan Greet's Masterpiece: The Conscientious Burglar | 1893 |
Allen, Grant | Ivan Greet's Masterpiece: The Great Ruby Robbery | 1893 |
Allen, Grant | Ivan Greet's Masterpiece: The Minor Poet | 1893 |
Allen, Grant | Ivan Greet's Masterpiece: The Missing Link | 1893 |
Allen, Grant | Ivan Greet's Masterpiece: The Pot-Boiler | 1893 |
Allen, Grant | Ivan Greet's Masterpiece: The Sixth Commandment | 1893 |
Allen, Grant | Ivan Greet's Masterpiece: Tom's Wife | 1893 |
Allen, Grant | Linnet; A Romance | 1900 |
Allen, Grant | Moorland Idylls | 1896 |
Allen, Grant | Paris: Grant Allen's Historical Guides | 1900 |
Allen, Grant | The Beckoning Hand: Compendium | 1887 |
Allen, Grant | The Beckoning Hand: Harry's Inheritance | 1887 |
Allen, Grant | The Beckoning Hand: In Strict Confidence | 1887 |
Allen, Grant | The Beckoning Hand: Isaline and I | 1887 |
Allen, Grant | The Beckoning Hand: John Cann's Treasure | 1887 |
Allen, Grant | The Beckoning Hand: Lucretia | 1887 |
Allen, Grant | The Beckoning Hand: My Uncle's Will | 1887 |
Allen, Grant | The Beckoning Hand: Olga Davidoff's Husband | 1887 |
Allen, Grant | The Beckoning Hand: Professor Milliter's Dilemma | 1887 |
Allen, Grant | The Beckoning Hand: The Beckoning Hand | 1887 |
Allen, Grant | The Beckoning Hand: The Gold Wulfric | 1887 |
Allen, Grant | The Beckoning Hand: The Search Party's Find | 1887 |
Allen, Grant | The Beckoning Hand: The Third Time | 1887 |
Allen, Grant | The Beckoning Hand: The Two Carnegies | 1887 |
Allen, Grant | The Colour-Sense: Its Origin and Development | 1879 |
Allen, Grant | The Duchess of Powysland Vol I | 1892 |
Allen, Grant | The Duchess of Powysland Vol II | 1892 |
Allen, Grant | The Duchess of Powysland Vol III | 1892 |
Allen, Grant | The Woman Who Did | 1895 |
Allen, Grant | Twelve Tales | 1899 |
Allen, James Lane | The Emblems of Fidelity: A Comedy in Letters | 1919 |
Allen, Ralph | Ask the Name of the Lion | 1962 |
Allen, Ralph | Peace River Country | 1958 |
Allen, Ralph | The Chartered Libertine | 1954 |
Allen, Ralph | The High White Forest | 1964 |
Allingham, Margery | Black Plumes [abridged] | 1940 |
Allingham, Margery | Crime and Mr. Campion (Albert Campion #6, 7 & 9) | 1937 |
Allingham, Margery | Dancers in Mourning (Albert Campion #9) | 1937 |
Allingham, Margery | Deadly Duo | 1945 |
Allingham, Margery | Death of a Ghost (Albert Campion #6) | 1934 |
Allingham, Margery | Flowers for the Judge (Albert Campion #7) | 1936 |
Allingham, Margery | Hide My Eyes [AKA Tether's End] (Albert Campion #19) | 1958 |
Allingham, Margery | Look to the Lady [AKA Gyrth Chalice Mystery] (Albert Campion #3) | 1931 |
Allingham, Margery | More Work for the Undertaker (Albert Campion #16) | 1949 |
Allingham, Margery | Mr Campion and Others (Albert Campion #12) | 1939 |
Allingham, Margery | Mr. Campion: Criminologist (Albert Campion #10) | 1937 |
Allingham, Margery | Mystery Mile (Albert Campion #2) | 1930 |
Allingham, Margery | No Love Lost | 1954 |
Allingham, Margery | Pearls Before Swine [AKA Coroner's Pidgin] (Albert Campion #14) | 1945 |
Allingham, Margery | Police at the Funeral (Albert Campion #4) | 1931 |
Allingham, Margery | Sweet Danger (Albert Campion #5) | 1933 |
Allingham, Margery | The Allingham Case-Book | 1969 |
Allingham, Margery | The Beckoning Lady (Albert Campion #18) | 1955 |
Allingham, Margery | The Case of the Late Pig (Albert Campion #8) | 1937 |
Allingham, Margery | The China Governess (Albert Campion #20) | 1962 |
Allingham, Margery | The Crime at Black Dudley (Albert Campion #1) | 1929 |
Allingham, Margery | The Fashion in Shrouds (Albert Campion #11) | 1938 |
Allingham, Margery | The Mind Readers (Albert Campion #21) | 1965 |
Allingham, Margery | The Oaken Heart | 1941 |
Allingham, Margery | The Tiger in the Smoke (Albert Campion #17) | 1952 |
Allingham, Margery | Word in Season. A Story for Christmas. | 1965 |
Allison, William Talbot | The Amber Army and Other Poems | 1909 |
Alloway, Mary Wilson (Mrs. Clement) | Crossed Swords. A Canadian-American Tale of Love and Valor. | 1912 |
Alloway, Mary Wilson (Mrs. Clement) | Famous Firesides of French Canada | 1899 |
Altsheler, Joseph A. | Apache Gold | 1913 |
Altsheler, Joseph A. | At the Twelfth Hour | 1898 |
Altsheler, Joseph A. | Guard No. 10 | 1898 |
Altsheler, Joseph A. | His Greatest Speech | 1902 |
Altsheler, Joseph A. | The Break of Day | 1895 |
Altsheler, Joseph A. | The Wedding Guest | 1903 |
Amsden, Dora | The Heritage of Hiroshige | 1912 |
Amy, William Lacey | Blue Pete: Half-Breed | 1921 |
Amy, William Lacey | Murder at the Club | 1933 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Bajki i Opowiadania | 1898 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- Anne Lisbeth | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- Chicken Greta's Family | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- In the Duck-Yard | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- It's Perfectly Certain | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- Something | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- Soup from a Sausage-Peg | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- The Beetle | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- The Bell | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- The Darning Needle | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- The Dauntless Tin Soldier | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- The Eleven Wild Swans | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- The Elf Hill | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- The Elf of the Rose | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- The Emperor's New Clothes | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- The Flying Trunk | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- The Garden of Eden | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- The Girl Who Trod on the Loaf | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- The Green Boy and the Three Witches | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- The Happy Family | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- The Little Mermaid | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- The Lovers | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- The Nightingale | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- The Old House | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- The Pig Boy | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- The Princess on the Pea | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- The Racers | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- The Shadow | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- The Shirt Collar | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- The Snow Queen | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- The Storks | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- The Tinder Box | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- The Travelling Companion | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- The Ugly Duckling | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- The White Silk Boy | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- Thumbelina | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories -- What the Old Man Does is Always Right | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories—Little Claus and Big Claus | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories—The Fir Tree | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories—The Old Oak Tree's Last Dream (A Christmas Tale) | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories—The Snow Man | 1930 |
Andersen, Hans Christian | Hans Andersen Forty-Two Stories—The Story of the Year | 1930 |
Anderson, Betty Baxter | Daughter of the Coast Guard | 1938 |
Anderson, Betty Baxter | Peggy Wayne, Sky Girl | 1941 |
Anderson, Florence Mary | Ranger Rose | 1954 |
Anderson, Maxwell | Anne of the Thousand Days | 1948 |
Anderson, Maxwell | Both Your Houses | 1933 |
Anderson, Maxwell | Saturday’s Children | 1927 |
Andrews, Roy Chapman | All About Dinosaurs | 1953 |
Andrews, Roy Chapman | All About Strange Beasts of the Past | 1956 |
Andrews, Roy Chapman | An Explorer Comes Home | 1947 |
Andrews, Roy Chapman | Beyond Adventure | 1952 |
Andrews, Roy Chapman | Heart of Asia | 1951 |
Andrews, Roy Chapman | Meet Your Ancestors, A Biography of Primitive Man | 1956 |
Anonymous | Ball-Room Dancing Without a Master | 1872 |
Anonymous | A, Apple Pie | 1880 |
Anonymous | Aunt Ann's Lesson-Book, for Very Young Children. | 1822 |
Anonymous | Comic Animals and their Adventures. With Alphabet and Rhymes. | 1880 |
Anonymous | Critical Review of Sir Francis Head’s Narrative and of Lord Durham’s Report | 1839 |
Anonymous | Dan Drake's Rhymes and Dame Duck's Jingles | 1859 |
Anonymous | Favourite Fables, In Prose and Verse | 1870 |
Anonymous | I Walked By Night: Being the Life & History of the King of the Norfolk Poachers | 1935 |
Anonymous | Jack and Jill | 0 |
Anonymous | Jack Sprat | 0 |
Anonymous | Jack The Giant Killer | 1865 |
Anonymous | Kate and Her Friend | 0 |
Anonymous | Les poilus canadiens : le roman du vingt-deuxième bataillon canadien-français | 1918 |
Anonymous | Little Bo Peep | 1865 |
Anonymous | Man on the Moon: A Picture Chronology of Man in Space Exploration | 1969 |
Anonymous | Metropolitan Cook Book, Edition of Aug. 1954 | 1954 |
Anonymous | My First Alphabet | 1880 |
Anonymous | Nursery Ditties | 1865 |
Anonymous | Ode for Dominion Day | 1879 |
Anonymous | Old Dame Trot, And Her Comical Cat | 1860 |
Anonymous | Our Pets | 1865 |
Anonymous | Peter and Patty | 0 |
Anonymous | Recipes from the Borden Kitchen | 1950 |
Anonymous | Red Riding Hood | 1865 |
Anonymous | Robin Red Breast | 1865 |
Anonymous | Stories About The Sheep, Cow, Ox, Horse, Ass and Deer | 1851 |
Anonymous | Story of Simple Simon | 1850 |
Anonymous | Tales and Novels for Youth of Both Sexes | 1831 |
Anonymous | Tame Animals | 1860 |
Anonymous | Tea-Cup Fortune Telling | 1930 |
Anonymous | The Admired Fairy Tale of Cinderella | 0 |
Anonymous | The Arabian Nights | 1819 |
Anonymous | The Book of Beasts, For Young Persons | 0 |
Anonymous | The Child's Favorite - a gift for the young | 1847 |
Anonymous | The Conceited Pig | 1848 |
Anonymous | The Curler's Guide | 1880 |
Anonymous | The Dogs' Dinner Party | 1860 |
Anonymous | The Gude Wallace; To Which Is Added Lord Thomas Stuart | 1796 |
Anonymous | The Hebrew Slave: In Eight Books with Other Poems | 1833 |
Anonymous | The History of Aladdin and The Wonderful Lamp: Goode's Juvenile Tales | 0 |
Anonymous | The History of Jack Spratt | 0 |
Anonymous | The History of Little Red Riding Hood | 0 |