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Ivan Greet's Masterpiece: The Sixth Commandment

Book Details

Title:Ivan Greet's Masterpiece: The Sixth Commandment
Allen, Grant   
(46 of 52 for author by title)
Ivan Greet's Masterpiece: Tom's Wife
Ivan Greet's Masterpiece: The Pot-Boiler
Published:   1893
Publisher:Chatto & Windus
Tags:Canadiana, fiction, short story
Description:[No description available. Suggest one here.]
Pages:14 Info

Author Bio for Allen, Grant

Author Image

His first books dealt with scientific subjects, and include Physiological Æsthetics (1877) and Flowers and Their Pedigrees (1886). He was first influenced by associationist psychology as expounded by Alexander Bain and by Herbert Spencer, the latter often considered[by whom?] the most important individual in the transition from associationist psychology to Darwinian functionalism. In Allen's many articles on flowers and on perception in insects, Darwinian arguments replaced the old Spencerian terms. On a personal level, a long friendship that started when Allen met Spencer on his return from Jamaica grew uneasy over the years. Allen wrote a critical and revealing biographical article on Spencer that was published after Spencer's death.

After assisting Sir W. W. Hunter in his Gazeteer of India in the early 1880s, Allen turned his attention to fiction, and between 1884 and 1899 produced about 30 novels. In 1895, his scandalous book titled The Woman Who Did, promulgating certain startling views on marriage and kindred questions, became a bestseller. The book told the story of an independent woman who has a child out of wedlock. ...

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