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The Decline and Fall of Lloyd George

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Book Details

Title:The Decline and Fall of Lloyd George
Aitken, Max  Writing under the pseudonym: Beaverbrook, Lord   
(1 of 2 for author by title)
Politicians and the War 1914-1916
Published:   1963
Tags:biography, Great Britain, history, Ireland, politics, Churchill, Bonar Law

David Lloyd George was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom between 1916 and 1922. This book describes the political and diplomatic challenges that he faced in 1921 and 1922, including the partition of Ireland, war between Greece and Turkey, and the UK's role in the Middle East.

The work relies heavily on first-hand experiences of the author, the diaries of Frances Stevenson (Lloyd George's long-time companion), and on many pieces of correspondence. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:291 Info

Author Bio for Aitken, Max

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Max Aitken (1879-1964), Lord Beaverbrook, was a British-Canadian newspaper publisher and politician. Born in Maple, Ontario, he established himself early as a successful businessman and became a millionaire at age 30. He moved to England in pursuit of business interests and quickly became involved in politics winning a seat in the House of Commons in 1909. He was politically active during the First World War but moved onto the newspaper business in the 1920s. He bought the Daily Express and the Evening Standard and created the Sunday Express. He was part of Churchill's wartime cabinet as Minister of Aircraft Production but left politics in 1945. He wrote biographical histories based on his experience in politics and business. (Canadian Encyclopedia)

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