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I Walked By Night: Being the Life & History of the King of the Norfolk Poachers

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Book Details

Title:I Walked By Night: Being the Life & History of the King of the Norfolk Poachers
(24 of 68 for author by title)
Jack and Jill
The Home Cook Book
Haggard, Lilias Rider   
Published:   1935
Publisher:Nicholson & Watson Ltd.
Tags:autobiography, England, nature, non-fiction

What is written here was born of an old man’s loneliness, as he sat in a little cottage perched high on a hill, overlooking the Waveney Valley with no company but his dog. The life that he loved had passed him by. As he puts it, ‘some said I had given up the game—but the game gave me up’, so to pass the time he took to writing down his memories in a penny exercise-book. Subsequently it was handed over to amuse a farmer friend of mine, one day when times were bad with the author, and he had come up to see if there was job for him ‘mole catchen’.—Preface. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:161 Info

Author Bio for Anonymous

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Any author who either chose to not publish under their own name and kept it secret or publishers’ house writers where the identity has never been discovered or disclosed.

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