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The Comic History of England

Book Details

Title:The Comic History of England
à Beckett, Gilbert Abbott   
Published:   1864
Publisher:George Routledge & Sons, Limited
Tags:England, history, humour, non-fiction

In commencing this work, the object of the Author was, as he stated in the Prospectus, to blend amusement with instruction, by serving up, in as palatable a shape as he could, the facts of English History. He pledged himself not to sacrifice the substance to the seasoning; and though he has certainly been a little free in the use of his sauce, he hopes that he has not produced a mere hash on the present occasion. His object has been to furnish something which may be allowed to take its place as a standing dish at the library table, and which, though light, may not be found devoid of nutriment. That food is certainly not the most wholesome which is the heaviest and the least digestible. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:416 Info

Author Bio for à Beckett, Gilbert Abbott

Author Image

Gilbert Abbott à Beckett (1811–1856) was an English humorist and playwright. Born in London he was educated at Westminster School and trained as a lawyer. He edited the comic paper, Figaro in London (1831-1838) and was a regular contributor to Punch. He also worked as journalist for the Times and the Morning Herald. He wrote and produced about 60 plays, some of them based on the short stories of Charles Dickens. He also wrote two operas with music composed by his wife Mary Anne à Beckett. Perhaps his best known works are his books such as the "Comic History of England" and the "Comic History of Rome". (Oxford Dictionary of National Biography)

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