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Ranger Rose

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Book Details

Title:Ranger Rose
Talbot, Ethel   
(2 of 2 for author by title)
The Bravest Girl in the School
Anderson, Florence Mary   
(2 of 2 for author by title)
The Cradle Ship
Published:   1954
Publisher:Thomas Nelson and Sons, Ltd.
Tags:adventure, fiction, girls, juvenile

Rose, an invalid, loved her father's book of nature until she returned to school, unable to join in the rangers activities until one day, when little Janie came to search for brother Otter... [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:67 Info

Author Bio for Anderson, Florence Mary

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Florence Mary Anderson (1889-1945) was an English artist and book illustrator. She also worked under a pen-name, Molly MacArthur. Born in Chelsea, she trained at the Westminster School of Art. She was primarily known as a stage designer for London theatres but she also illustrated a number of children's books working in watercolour and sometimes using simple woodcuts as in Eleanor Farjeon's "Come Christmas". She was active between 1914 and 1930 and is credited with illustrations in 12 books. (The dictionary of 20th century British book illustrators)

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