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Ask the Name of the Lion

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Book Details

Title:Ask the Name of the Lion
Allen, Ralph   
(1 of 5 for author by title)
The Chartered Libertine
Published:   1962
Publisher:Doubleday & Company, Inc.
Tags:Africa, Canadiana, fiction

During the troubles in the former colony of Belgian Congo in the early 1960s, six individuals, fleeing together through the African jungle to escape the frenzied, drunken wrath of a band of Congolese soldiers, become each the symbol of an influence at work in the confused new nation . . . create, in their frightening counterplay with Tshibangu and his regiment, a picture of the ignorance, desperation, and downright terror that lay over the area at that time. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:157 Info

Author Bio for Allen, Ralph

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Ralph Allen (1913—1966) was a Canadian journalist and novelist. He was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The son of a CPR railway agent, he lived in a succession of small towns across the Prairies. At sixteen he became a sports writer for the Winnipeg Tribune and later on for the Toronto Globe. In World War Two he enlisted as a gunner for the Royal Canadian Artillery and served until 1943 when he became a war correspondent for the Toronto Globe and Mail. He covered Canadian actions in Sicily, Italy and Normandy. After the war he worked as an editor for MacLean's Magazine and later on as managing editor of the Toronto Star. Allen wrote five novels some of which were based on his war experience. His most successful book, Peace River Country, was inspired by his own experience growing up in Western Canada. He also wrote Ordeal by Fire: 1919-1945, a book on early 20th century Canadian history. In 1990 he was inducted into the Canadian Football Hall of Fame honouring his work as an outstanding sports writer in the Prairies. (Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature, Canadian Football Hall of Fame)

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