All books, rows 5251 through 5500 of 8346 total books.
Lovecraft, Howard Phillips | Dagon | 1951 |
Lovecraft, Howard Phillips | Pickman's Model | 1951 |
Lovecraft, Howard Phillips | The Cats of Ulthar | 1951 |
Lovecraft, Howard Phillips | The Colour Out of Space | 1941 |
Lovecraft, Howard Phillips | The Horror at Red Hook | 1952 |
Lovecraft, Howard Phillips | The Music of Erich Zann | 1951 |
Lovecraft, Howard Phillips | The Nameless City | 1938 |
Lovecraft, Howard Phillips | The Outsider | 1950 |
Low, Albert Peter | Report on the Dominion Government Expedition to Hudson Bay and The Arctic Islands On Board the D. G. S. Neptune [The Cruise of the Neptune] | 1906 |
Lowell, Joan | The Cradle of the Deep | 1929 |
Lowndes, Marie Belloc | A Passing World | 1948 |
Lowndes, Marie Belloc | The Lonely House | 1920 |
Lowndes, Marie Belloc | The Story of Ivy | 1927 |
Lowry, Malcolm | Ultramarine | 1933 |
Lowry, Malcolm | Under the Volcano | 1947 |
Lucas, E. V. (Edward Vevrall) | Urbanities: Essays New and Old | 1921 |
Lucas, Frederic A. (Frederic Augustus) | Animals before man in North America | 1902 |
Lucas, Frederic A. (Frederic Augustus) | Animals of The Past | 1901 |
Lucas, Sir Charles Prestwood | Lord Durham's Report on the Affairs of British North America, Volume 1 | 1912 |
Lucas, Sir Charles Prestwood | Lord Durham's Report on the Affairs of British North America, Volume 2 | 1912 |
Lugones, Leopoldo | Las Fuerzas Extrañas | 1906 |
Lugrin, Ann de Bertrand | The Lure of the Ranges | 1926 |
Lugrin, Ann de Bertrand | The Pioneer Women of Vancouver Island 1843-1866 | 1928 |
Lugrin, Ann de Bertrand | The Tear of Isis | 1919 |
Lynde, Francis | The Fight on the Standing Stone | 1925 |
Lynde, Francis | The Quickening | 1906 |
Lyon, Laurance | The Pomp of Power | 1922 |
Maass, Edgar | The Queen's Physician | 1948 |
Mabie, Hamilton Wright | Norse Stories Retold from the Eddas | 1908 |
Macaulay, Rose (Emilie Rose) | Book-Building after a Blitz | 1942 |
Macaulay, Rose (Emilie Rose) | Dangerous Ages | 1921 |
Macaulay, Rose (Emilie Rose) | Evelyn Waugh | 1946 |
Macaulay, Rose (Emilie Rose) | Some Religious Elements in English Literature | 1931 |
Macaulay, Rose (Emilie Rose) | The Furnace | 1907 |
Macaulay, Rose (Emilie Rose) | The Towers of Trebizond | 1956 |
Macaulay, Rose (Emilie Rose) | The Writings of E. M. Forster | 1938 |
Macbeth, Madge | Fifty-Seven Minutes | 1925 |
Macbeth, Madge | Sharing Dad with Judy | 1919 |
Macbeth, Madge | The Land of Afternoon | 1924 |
Macbeth, Madge | The Opal Princess | 1922 |
Macbeth, Madge | The Valley of Bleached Bones | 1922 |
Macbeth, Madge | The Widows of Famous Canadians | 1914 |
MacBeth, R. G. (Roderick George) | Farm Life in the Selkirk Colony | 1897 |
MacBeth, R. G. (Roderick George) | The Romance of the Canadian Pacific Railway | 1924 |
MacCarthy, Desmond | Leslie Stephen | 1937 |
MacDonald, Betty Bard | Anybody Can Do Anything | 1950 |
MacDonald, Betty Bard | Onions in the Stew | 1955 |
MacDonald, Betty Bard | The Egg and I | 1945 |
MacDonald, Betty Bard | The Plague and I | 1948 |
MacDonald, Wilson Pugsley | Out of the Wilderness | 1926 |
Macdonell, A. G. (Archibald Gordon) | A Visit to America | 1935 |
Macdonell, A. G. (Archibald Gordon) | Autobiography of a Cad | 1938 |
Macdonell, A. G. (Archibald Gordon) | England, Their England | 1933 |
Macdonell, A. G. (Archibald Gordon) | How Like An Angel | 1934 |
Macdonell, A. G. (Archibald Gordon) | The Fur Coat | 1943 |
Macdonell, A. G. (Archibald Gordon) | The Shakespeare Murders | 1933 |
Macdonell, Alexander | Diary of Gov. Simcoe's Journey from Humber Bay to Matchetache Bay, 1793 | 1890 |
Macdonnell, Blanche Lucile | Diane of Ville Marie: A Romance of French Canada | 1898 |
MacDougall, John | Rural Life in Canada | 1913 |
MacEnery, Rev. John | Cavern Researches | 1859 |
MacGowan, Alice | The Million-Dollar Suitcase | 1922 |
MacGrath, Harold | The Blue Rajah Murder | 1929 |
MacGregor, Ellen | Miss Pickerell and the Geiger Counter (Miss Pickerell #2) | 1953 |
MacGregor, Ellen | Miss Pickerell Goes to Mars (Miss Pickerell #1) | 1951 |
MacGregor, Ellen | Miss Pickerell Goes to the Arctic (Miss Pickerell #4) | 1954 |
MacGregor, Ellen | Miss Pickerell Goes Undersea (Miss Pickerell #3) | 1953 |
MacGregor, Mary Esther Miller | 'Lizbeth of the Dale | 1910 |
MacGregor, Mary Esther Miller | As a Watered Garden | 1946 |
MacGregor, Mary Esther Miller | Boy of Nazareth | 1950 |
MacGregor, Mary Esther Miller | Duncan Polite: The Watchman of Glenoro | 1905 |
MacGregor, Mary Esther Miller | In Orchard Glen | 1918 |
MacGregor, Mary Esther Miller | The End of the Rainbow | 1913 |
MacGregor, Mary Esther Miller | The Silver Maple | 1905 |
MacGregor, Mary Esther Miller | Treasure Valley | 1908 |
MacGregor, Mary Esther Miller | Yonder Shining Light | 1948 |
Machar, Agnes Maule | Down the River to the Sea | 1894 |
Machar, Agnes Maule | Marjorie's Canadian Winter -- A Story of the Northern Lights | 1893 |
Machar, Agnes Maule | Our Life Blood Ebbs Away: A Plea for Continental Union | 1893 |
Mackay, Eric | A Lover's Litanies | 1888 |
Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone | Ashes of Dreams | 1917 |
Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone | Blencarrow | 1926 |
Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone | Flight of the Phoenix | 1925 |
Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone | Gold Hair | 1924 |
Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone | Heliotrope | 1919 |
Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone | Moon Lady | 1926 |
Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone | Mr. Penne Becomes Immortal | 1927 |
Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone | One Day of Mary | 1923 |
Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone | Scaffolding | 1925 |
Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone | The Accusing Silence | 1924 |
Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone | The Curtain | 1917 |
Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone | The Green Gate | 1915 |
Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone | The Pink Pagoda | 1922 |
Mackay, John Henry | Moderne Stoffe | 1893 |
Mackay, Mary | The Hired Baby | 1894 |
MacKay, Rev. W. A. | Zorra Boys at Home and Abroad | 1900 |
Mackendrick, William Gordon | The Destiny of the British Empire and the U.S.A. | 1921 |
Mackenna, Robert William | Through Flood and Fire | 1925 |
Mackenzie, Jean Kenyon | African Adventurers | 1917 |
Mackenzie, William Lyon | The seventh report from the Select Committee of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada on grievances | 1835 |
Mackintosh, Elizabeth | A Shilling for Candles [Inspector Alan Grant #2] | 1936 |
Mackintosh, Elizabeth | Barnharrow | 1954 |
Mackintosh, Elizabeth | Brat Farrar | 1949 |
Mackintosh, Elizabeth | Kif: An Unvarnished History (1929, reissue 1967) | 1929 |
Mackintosh, Elizabeth | Lady Charing is Cross | 1954 |
Mackintosh, Elizabeth | Leith Sands and Other Short Plays | 1946 |
Mackintosh, Elizabeth | Miss Pym Disposes | 1946 |
Mackintosh, Elizabeth | Plays I | 1953 |
Mackintosh, Elizabeth | Plays II | 1954 |
Mackintosh, Elizabeth | Plays III | 1954 |
Mackintosh, Elizabeth | Reckoning | 1954 |
Mackintosh, Elizabeth | Richard of Bordeaux. A Play in Two Acts. | 1933 |
Mackintosh, Elizabeth | Sweet Coz | 1954 |
Mackintosh, Elizabeth | The Daughter of Time [Inspector Alan Grant #5] | 1951 |
Mackintosh, Elizabeth | The Franchise Affair [Inspector Alan Grant #3] | 1948 |
Mackintosh, Elizabeth | The Man in the Queue (Inspector Alan Grant #1) | 1929 |
Mackintosh, Elizabeth | The Privateer | 1952 |
Mackintosh, Elizabeth | The Singing Sands [Inspector Alan Grant #6] | 1952 |
Mackintosh, Elizabeth | The Staff Room | 1954 |
Mackintosh, Elizabeth | To Love and Be Wise [Inspector Alan Grant #4] | 1950 |
MacMechan, Archibald McKellar | Behind the Veil. A Poem | 1893 |
MacMechan, Archibald McKellar | Head-Waters of Canadian Literature | 1924 |
MacMechan, Archibald McKellar | Old Province Tales | 1924 |
MacMechan, Archibald McKellar | The Winning of Popular Government: A Chronicle of the Union of 1841 (Chronicles of Canada #27) | 1916 |
MacMechan, Archibald McKellar | There Go the Ships | 1928 |
Macmillan and Co. | Macmillan Catalogue, January 1893 | 1893 |
Macmillan, Cyrus | Canadian Wonder Tales | 1918 |
Macmillan, Cyrus | McGill and Its Story 1821-1921 | 1921 |
MacNeill, J. G. (John Gordon) Swift | What I Have Seen and Heard | 1925 |
Macphail, Sir Andrew | The Master's Wife | 1939 |
Macpherson, Hector Copland | Pioneers of Progress: Men of Science: Herschel | 1919 |
MacPherson, Orison | Heather's Hound Nadya | 1930 |
Macready, William | The Irishman in London | 1818 |
MacWalter, Thom | A Certain Woman (Mary called Magdalen) | 1950 |
MacWalter, Thom | Galanty Gold | 1930 |
MacWalter, Thom | Hi-Spy-Kick-The-Can | 1936 |
MacWalter, Thom | The House Without a Story | 1927 |
Maguire, Thomas | Manuel des difficultés les plus communes de la langue française, adapté au jeune âge, et suivi d'un recueil de locutions vicieus | 1841 |
Mair, Charles | Tecumseh: A Drama and Canadian Poems | 1901 |
Major, Charles | A Forest Hearth | 1903 |
Malinowski, Bronislaw | Sex and Repression in Savage Society | 1927 |
Mallock, W. H. (William Hurrell) | A Critical Examination of Socialism | 1908 |
Manion, R. J. (Robert James) | A Surgeon in Arms | 1918 |
Manion, R. J. (Robert James) | Life is an Adventure | 1936 |
Mann, Klaus | Mephisto | 1936 |
Mann, Thomas | Death in Venice and seven other stories | 1930 |
Mann, Thomas | Doctor Faustus | 1948 |
Mann, Thomas | Early Sorrow & Mario and the Magician | 1930 |
Mann, Thomas | Joseph in Egypt Vol. 1 (Joseph and His Brothers #3) | 1938 |
Mann, Thomas | Joseph in Egypt Vol. 2 (Joseph and His Brothers #4) | 1938 |
Mann, Thomas | Joseph the Provider (Joseph and His Brothers #4) | 1944 |
Mann, Thomas | Königliche Hoheit | 1909 |
Mann, Thomas | The Holy Sinner | 1951 |
Mann, Thomas | Tonio Kröger; Le petit monsieur Friedemann; Heure difficile; L'Enfant prodige; Un petit bonheur | 1923 |
Manning, Adelaide Frances Oke | A Knife for the Juggler (Hambledon #16) | 1953 |
Manning, Adelaide Frances Oke | A Toast to Tomorrow (Hambledon #2) | 1940 |
Manning, Adelaide Frances Oke | Alias Uncle Hugo (Hambledon #14) | 1952 |
Manning, Adelaide Frances Oke | Among Those Absent (Hambledon #9) | 1948 |
Manning, Adelaide Frances Oke | Brief Candles (Ghost #1) | 1954 |
Manning, Adelaide Frances Oke | Death of an Ambassador (Hambledon #21) | 1957 |
Manning, Adelaide Frances Oke | Drink to Yesterday (Hambledon #1) | 1940 |
Manning, Adelaide Frances Oke | Green Hazard (Hambledon #5) | 1945 |
Manning, Adelaide Frances Oke | No Entry (Hambledon #22) | 1958 |
Manning, Adelaide Frances Oke | Not for Export (Hambledon #17) | 1954 |
Manning, Adelaide Frances Oke | Now or Never (Hambledon #13) | 1951 |
Manning, Adelaide Frances Oke | The Basle Express (Hambledon #19) | 1956 |
Manning, Adelaide Frances Oke | The Far Traveller (Ghost #3) | 1956 |
Manning, Adelaide Frances Oke | The Fifth Man (Hambledon #6) | 1946 |
Manning, Adelaide Frances Oke | Without Lawful Authority (Hambledon #4) | 1943 |
Marchant, Bessie | A Countess from Canada: A Story of Life in the Backwoods | 1911 |
Marchant, Bessie | By Honour Bound | 1925 |
Marden, Orison Swett | Peace, Power, and Plenty | 1909 |
Marivaux, Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de | The legacy, or, The fortune-hunter | 1770 |
Marmette, Joseph | François De Bienville. Scènes de la vie canadienne au XVIIe siècle. | 1870 |
Marquand, John P. (John Phillips) | B. F.'s Daughter | 1946 |
Marquand, John P. (John Phillips) | H. M. Pulham, Esquire | 1940 |
Marquand, John P. (John Phillips) | Haven's End | 1929 |
Marquand, John P. (John Phillips) | It's Loaded, Mr. Bauer | 1949 |
Marquand, John P. (John Phillips) | Last Laugh, Mr. Moto (Mr. Moto #5) | 1942 |
Marquand, John P. (John Phillips) | Life at Happy Knoll | 1955 |
Marquand, John P. (John Phillips) | Melville Goodwin, USA | 1951 |
Marquand, John P. (John Phillips) | Ming Yellow | 1935 |
Marquand, John P. (John Phillips) | Mr. Moto Is So Sorry (Mr. Moto #4) | 1938 |
Marquand, John P. (John Phillips) | No Hero [Your Turn, Mr. Moto] (Mr. Moto #1) | 1935 |
Marquand, John P. (John Phillips) | Point of No Return | 1947 |
Marquand, John P. (John Phillips) | Repent in Haste | 1945 |
Marquand, John P. (John Phillips) | Sincerely, Willis Wayde | 1954 |
Marquand, John P. (John Phillips) | So Little Time | 1943 |
Marquand, John P. (John Phillips) | Stopover: Tokyo (Mr. Moto #6) | 1957 |
Marquand, John P. (John Phillips) | Sun, Sea, and Sand | 1950 |
Marquand, John P. (John Phillips) | Thank You, Mr. Moto (Mr. Moto #2) | 1936 |
Marquand, John P. (John Phillips) | The Black Cargo | 1925 |
Marquand, John P. (John Phillips) | The Late George Apley | 1936 |
Marquand, John P. (John Phillips) | Think Fast, Mr. Moto (Mr. Moto #3) | 1937 |
Marquand, John P. (John Phillips) | Thirty Years | 1954 |
Marquand, John P. (John Phillips) | Warning Hill | 1929 |
Marquand, John P. (John Phillips) | Wickford Point | 1939 |
Marquand, John P. (John Phillips) | Women and Thomas Harrow | 1958 |
Marquis, Thomas Guthrie | Seigneur D’Haberville (The Canadians of Old)—A Romance of the Fall of New France | 1929 |
Marquis, Thomas Guthrie | The Jesuit Missions, A Chronicle of the Cross in the Wilderness (Chronicles of Canada #4) | 1915 |
Marquis, Thomas Guthrie | The War Chief of the Ottawas: A Chronicle of the Pontiac War (Chronicles of Canada #15) | 1915 |
Marriott, J. A. R. (John Arthur Ransome) | Second Chambers | 1910 |
Mars, James | Life of James Mars, a Slave Born and Sold in Connecticut | 1866 |
Marsh, George Tracy | Ask No Quarter | 1945 |
Marshall, Arthur Hammond | Simple Stories from "Punch" | 1930 |
Marshall, Arthur Hammond | The Birdikin Family | 1932 |
Marshall, Edison | American Captain | 1954 |
Marshall, Edison | Caravan to Xanadu, A Novel of Marco Polo | 1953 |
Marshall, Edison | Castle in the Swamp, A Tale of Old Carolina | 1948 |
Marshall, Edison | Child of the Wild, A Story of Alaska | 1926 |
Marshall, Edison | Dian of the Lost Land | 1935 |
Marshall, Edison | Little Death | 1920 |
Marshall, Edison | Love Stories of India | 1933 |
Marshall, Edison | Mission of Revenge | 1953 |
Marshall, Edison | Princess Sophia | 1958 |
Marshall, Edison | The Doctor of Lonesome River | 1930 |
Marshall, Edison | The Gentleman | 1956 |
Marshall, Edison | The Inevitable Hour, A Novel of Martinique | 1957 |
Marshall, Edison | The Infinite Woman | 1950 |
Marshall, Edison | The Isle of Retribution | 1923 |
Marshall, Edison | The Pagan King | 1959 |
Marshall, Edison | The Sleeper of the Moonlit Ranges | 1925 |
Marshall, Edison | The Splendid Quest | 1934 |
Marshall, Edison | Who is Charles Avison? | 1916 |
Marshall, Edison | Yankee Pasha, The Adventures of Jason Starbuck | 1947 |
Marshall, Emma | A Flight with the Swallows; or, Little Dorothy's Dream | 1886 |
Martin, Chester Bailey | The Hudson's Bay Company's Monopoly of the Fur Trade at the Red River Settlement, 1821-1850 | 1933 |
Martin, Martha Evans | The Friendly Stars | 1907 |
Martin, Reginald Alec | Kemlo and the Crazy Planet (Kemlo Series #1) | 1954 |
Martineau, Harriet | British Rule in India | 1857 |
Masefield, John | Dauber: A Poem | 1913 |
Masefield, John | Dead Ned | 1938 |
Masefield, John | Live and Kicking Ned | 1939 |
Masefield, John | New Chum | 1945 |
Masefield, John | ODTAA | 1926 |
Masefield, John | Sard Harker | 1924 |
Masefield, John | The Bluebells and Other Verse | 1961 |
Masefield, John | The Box of Delights; or, When the Wolves were Running [Kay Harker #2] | 1935 |
Masefield, John | The Daffodil Fields | 1918 |
Masefield, John | The Everlasting Mercy | 1913 |
Masefield, John | The Midnight Folk (Kay Harker #1) | 1927 |
Masefield, John | The Nine Days Wonder (The Operation Dynamo) | 1941 |
Masefield, John | The Story of a Round-House and Other Poems | 1915 |
Masefield, John | The Taking of the Gry | 1934 |
Masefield, John | The Widow in the Bye Street | 1912 |
Mason, A. E. W. (Alfred Edward Woodley) | Dilemmas | 1935 |
Mason, A. E. W. (Alfred Edward Woodley) | Fire Over England | 1936 |
Mason, A. E. W. (Alfred Edward Woodley) | Musk and Amber | 1942 |
Mason, A. E. W. (Alfred Edward Woodley) | No Other Tiger | 1927 |
Mason, A. E. W. (Alfred Edward Woodley) | The Drum | 1937 |
Mason, A. E. W. (Alfred Edward Woodley) | The House in Lordship Lane | 1946 |