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The Pioneer Women of Vancouver Island 1843-1866

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Book Details

Title:The Pioneer Women of Vancouver Island 1843-1866
Lugrin, Ann de Bertrand  Writing under the pseudonym: Lugrin, N. De Bertrand   
(3 of 4 for author by title)
The Tear of Isis
The Lure of the Ranges
Hosie, John   
Published:   1928
Publisher:The Women’s Canadian Club of Victoria
Tags:British Columbia, Canada, Canadiana, history, non-fiction, women

The history of a country is written from the lives of men, but from the lives of the women we learn best of a nation’s soul -- A biographical study of some of the European women who first settled on Vancouver Island. [Suggest a different description.]

Comments:This book is volume one of an intended two volumes, but volume two was never produced.
Pages:235 Info

Author Bio for Lugrin, Ann de Bertrand

Ann de Bertrand Lugrin (1874-1962) was a Canadian author. Born in New Brunswick, the family moved to Seattle, Washington where her father was editor for the Seattle Press-Times. The family moved again to Victoria, BC, where she married Elijah Brunswick Shaw and had three sons. Annie was an accomplished writer and contributed to the local newspaper and periodicals of the time. She taught a short story writing class and Emily Carr was one of her students. Carr wrote about Mrs. Shaw's class in her journals.

The Lugrin family had seven sisters, two of whom were named Nellie and Nora. The "N' in the author's name is often confused with these other sisters. The "N" is thought to stand for Nan which was a common nickname for Ann at the time. Nellie was a singer, not a writer and Nora wrote but mainly radio plays not books. (Canada's Early Women Writers)

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