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The Town of Tombarel

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Book Details

Title:The Town of Tombarel
Locke, William J. (William John)   
(10 of 12 for author by title)
The Usurper
The Tale of Triona
Published:   1930
Publisher:Books For Libraries Press
Tags:fiction, France

Locke's new book takes its title from the chief character, Monsieur Alcide Tombarel, a gentleman, wine-grower, man of culture, mayor and acknowledged grand seigneur of Creille, a tiny little town, perched on the top of a hill, not far from Nice. Here, in search of his favourite French wines, travels Fontenay, distinguished English painter, who lingers in Creille to paint Tombarel's portrait, and fascinated by the charm of the place and its inhabitants, makes it his abode. In the present-day popular fashion of telling a story by the development of a group of episodes -- we see Tombarel through his defense of the village Madeleine, another facet of his personality is disclosed in his account of the local wastrel and vagabond, still another in the episode of the man who returned to Creille to blast the memory of her war dead. The result is a splendid picture of this fine old Provencal mayor. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:193 Info

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