1-250 251-500 501-750 751-1000 1001-1250 1251-1500 1501-1750 1751-2000 2001-2250 2251-2500 2501-2750 2751-3000 3001-3250 3251-3500 3501-3750 3751-4000 4001-4250 4251-4500 4501-4750 4751-5000 5001-5250 5251-5500 5501-5750 5751-6000 6001-6250 6251-6500 6501-6750 6751-7000 7001-7250 7251-7500 7501-7750 7751-8000 8001-8250 8251-8500

All books, rows 5001 through 5250 of 8331 total books.

Leacock, Stephen ButlerTen Million Dollars for the Asking1917
Leacock, Stephen ButlerThe Boy I Left Behind Me1946
Leacock, Stephen ButlerThe British Empire: Its Structure, Its Unity, Its Strength1940
Leacock, Stephen ButlerThe Dawn of Canadian History: A Chronicle of Aboriginal Canada and the coming of the White Man (Chronicles of Canada #1)1914
Leacock, Stephen ButlerThe Doctrine of Laissez Faire: A Critical Essay on the Evolution of Theory and Practice in Reference to the Economic Functions of the Modern State0
Leacock, Stephen ButlerThe Drama As I See It1923
Leacock, Stephen ButlerThe Dry Pickwick and Other Incongruities1932
Leacock, Stephen ButlerThe Garden of Folly1924
Leacock, Stephen ButlerThe Gathering Financial Crisis in Canada. A Survey of the Present Critical Situation.1936
Leacock, Stephen ButlerThe Greatest Pages of Charles Dickens1934
Leacock, Stephen ButlerThe Hohenzollerns in America With the Bolsheviks in Berlin and Other Impossibilities1919
Leacock, Stephen ButlerThe Iron Man & The Tin Woman: A Book of Little Sketches of To-Day and To-Morrow.1929
Leacock, Stephen ButlerThe Lecturer at Large1919
Leacock, Stephen ButlerThe Mariner of St. Malo: A Chronicle of the Voyages of Jacques Cartier (Chronicles of Canada #2)1914
Leacock, Stephen ButlerThe Methods of Mr. Sellyer: A Book Store Study1914
Leacock, Stephen ButlerThe Original Stephen Leacock1921
Leacock, Stephen ButlerThe Pursuit of Knowledge1934
Leacock, Stephen ButlerThe Unsolved Riddle of Social Justice1920
Leacock, Stephen ButlerThe Woman Question1915
Leacock, Stephen ButlerToo Much College, or, Education Eating Up Life. With Kindred Essays in Education and Humour1939
Leacock, Stephen ButlerUnsolved Mysteries of the Arctic1938
Leacock, Stephen ButlerWar Scenes Across the Canadian Border1915
Leacock, Stephen ButlerWet Wit & Dry Humour1931
Leacock, Stephen ButlerWhile There is Time: The Case Against Social Catastrophe1945
Leacock, Stephen ButlerWinnowed Wisdom1926
Leacock, Stephen ButlerWinsome Winnie and other New Nonsense Novels1920
Leacock, Stephen Butler[Makers of Canada] Volume 5. Mackenzie, Baldwin, Lafontaine, Hincks (New and Revised)1926
Leacock, Stephen Butler[Makers of Canada] Volume 8. Baldwin-Lafontaine-Hincks, Responsible Government1907
Leacock, Stephen Butler“Q”: A Farce in One Act1915
Leavitt, Thad. W. H. (Thaddeus William Henry)Kaffir, Kangaroo, Klondike: Tales of the Gold Fields1898
Leblanc, MauriceArsène Lupin contre Herlock Sholmès [AKA The Blonde Lady] (Arsène Lupin #2)1961
Leblanc, MauriceL'agence Barnett et Cie [AKA The Barnett & Co. Agency] [AKA Jim Barnett Intervenes] [AKA Arsène Lupin Intervenes] (Arsène Lupin #17)1927
Leblanc, MauriceL'homme à la peau de bique [AKA A Tragedy In The Forest Of Morgues] [AKA The Man with the Goatskin] (Arsène Lupin #16)1927
Leblanc, MauriceL'île aux trente cercueils [AKA The Island of Thirty Coffins] [AKA The Secret of Sarek] (Arsène Lupin #10)1919
Leblanc, MauriceLa Cagliostro se venge [AKA The Revenge of The Countess of Cagliostro] (Arsène Lupin #23)1927
Leblanc, MauriceLa Comtesse de Cagliostro [AKA The Countess of Cagliostro] [AKA Memoirs of Arsène Lupin] (Arsène Lupin #13)1924
Leblanc, MauriceLa demeure mystérieuse [AKA The Mysterious Mansion] [AKA The Melamare Mystery] (Arsène Lupin #18)1929
Leblanc, MauriceLa Demoiselle aux yeux verts [AKA The Damsel With Green Eyes] [AKA The Girl With the Green Eyes] [AKA Arsène Lupin, Super Sleuth] (Arsène Lupin #15)1927
Leblanc, MauriceLa Femme aux deux sourires [AKA The Woman With Two Smiles] [AKA The Double Smile] (Arsène Lupin #21)1933
Leblanc, MauriceLe Bouchon de cristal [AKA The Crystal Stopper] (Arsène Lupin #5)1912
Leblanc, MauriceLe Triangle d'Or [AKA The Golden Triangle] [AKA The Return of Arsène Lupin] (Arsène Lupin #9)1918
Leblanc, MauriceLes Aventures d'Arsène Lupin -- L'Aiguille creuse (Arsène Lupin #3)1961
Leblanc, MauriceLes Dents du Tigre [AKA The Teeth of The Tiger] (Arsène Lupin #7)1920
Leblanc, MauriceLes Huit Coups de l'horloge [AKA The Eight Strokes of The Clock] (Arsène Lupin #11)1961
Leblanc, MauriceThe Mélamare Mystery [AKA The Mysterious Mansion] (Arsène Lupin Eng. #18)1929
Leblanc, MauriceVictor, de la Brigade mondaine [AKA Victor of the Vice Squad] [AKA The Return of Arsène Lupin] (Arsène Lupin #22)1933
Lee, Edward EdsonAndy Blake in Advertising (Andy Blake #1)1922
Lee, Edward EdsonAndy Blake's Comet Coaster (Andy Blake #2)1928
Lee, Edward EdsonJerry Todd and the Bob-tailed Elephant (Jerry Todd #9)1929
Lee, Edward EdsonJerry Todd and the Flying Flapdoodle (Jerry Todd #12)1934
Lee, Edward EdsonJerry Todd and the Purring Egg (Jerry Todd #6)1925
Lee, Edward EdsonJerry Todd and the Talking Frog (Jerry Todd #5)1925
Lee, Edward EdsonJerry Todd and the Waltzing Hen (Jerry Todd #4)1924
Lee, Edward EdsonJerry Todd and the Whispering Mummy (Jerry Todd #1)1923
Lee, Edward EdsonJerry Todd in the Whispering Cave (Jerry Todd #7)1927
Lee, Edward EdsonJerry Todd's Poodle Parlor (Jerry Todd #15)1938
Lee, Edward EdsonJerry Todd, Editor-in-Grief (Jerry Todd #10)1930
Lee, Edward EdsonJerry Todd—Caveman (Jerry Todd #11)1932
Lee, Edward EdsonPoppy Ott and the Freckled Goldfish (Poppy Ott #5)1928
Lee, Edward EdsonPoppy Ott and the Prancing Pancake (Poppy Ott #7)1930
Lee, Edward EdsonPoppy Ott and the Tittering Totem (Poppy Ott #6)1929
Lee, Edward EdsonPoppy Ott Hits the Trail (Poppy Ott #8)1933
Lee, Edward EdsonPoppy Ott's Seven-League Stilts (Poppy Ott #2)1926
Leeming, JosephBrave Ships of World War II1944
Lefevre, Lily Alice CookeThe Lions' Gate and Other Verses1895
Leichtentritt, HugoMusic, History and Ideas1938
Leighton, RobertSergeant Silk: The Prairie Scout1929
Leighton, RobertSoftfoot of Silver Creek1926
Leighton, RobertThe Golden Galleon1898
Leitz, ErnstMicroscopes and Accessory Apparatus1903
Lejzerowicz, IzraelEl la "Verda Biblio" kaj Babiladoj kun Horaĉo Serĉer1935
Lejzerowicz, IzraelLa Sorĉistino el Kastilio1933
Leland, Charles GodfreySongs of the Sea and Lays of the Land1895
Leprohon, Madame (Rosanna Eleanor)Antoinette de Mirecourt, ou Mariage secret et chagrins cachés1865
Levy, NewmanSaturday to Monday1929
Lewi, Charlotte ArmstrongA Dram of Poison1956
Lewi, Charlotte ArmstrongA Little Less Than Kind1963
Lewi, Charlotte ArmstrongMischief1950
Lewi, Charlotte ArmstrongTen Clues for Mr. Polkinghorn1956
Lewi, Charlotte ArmstrongThe Balloon Man1968
Lewi, Charlotte ArmstrongThe Dream Walker1955
Lewi, Charlotte ArmstrongThe Enemy1951
Lewi, Charlotte ArmstrongThe Plot Against Miss Pomeroy1950
Lewi, Charlotte ArmstrongThe Protégé1970
Lewi, Charlotte ArmstrongThe Trouble in Thor1953
Lewi, Charlotte ArmstrongWhat Would You Have Done?1955
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)A Grief Observed1961
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)A Preface to Paradise Lost1942
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)An Experiment in Criticism1961
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)Beyond Personality: The Christian Idea of God1944
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)Broadcast Talks1942
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)George MacDonald: An Anthology1946
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)Hamlet: The Prince or the Poem?1942
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer1964
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)Mere Christianity1952
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)Miracles1947
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)On Stories1942
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)Out of the Silent Planet (Space Trilogy #1)1938
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)Perelandra (Space Trilogy #2)1943
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)Preface to Essays presented to Charles Williams1947
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)Prince Caspian. The Return to Narnia. (Chronicles of Narnia #2)1951
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)Reflections on the Psalms1958
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)Rehabilitation and Other Essays1939
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)Studies in Words1960
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)Surprised by Joy: The shape of my early life1955
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)That Hideous Strength (Space Trilogy #3)1945
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)The Abolition of Man; or; Reflections on Education with Special Reference to the Teaching of English in the Upper Forms of Schools1944
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)The Allegory of Love: A Study in Medieval Tradition1936
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)The Discarded Image: An Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Literature1964
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)The Four Loves1960
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)The Great Divorce1945
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)The Horse and his Boy (Chronicles of Narnia #5)1954
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)The Last Battle (Chronicles of Narnia #7)1956
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Chronicles of Narnia #1)1950
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)The Magician's Nephew (Chronicles of Narnia #6)1955
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)The Personal Heresy1939
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)The Pilgrim's Regress1933
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)The Problem of Pain1940
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)The Screwtape Letters1944
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)The Silver Chair (Chronicles of Narnia #4)1953
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (Chronicles of Narnia #3)1952
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)The World's Last Night and Other Essays1960
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)They Asked for a Paper: Papers and Addresses1962
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)Till we have Faces -- A Myth Retold1956
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)Transposition and other Addresses1949
Lewis, Elizabeth ForemanYoung Fu of the Upper Yangtze1934
Lewis, SinclairAnn Vickers1932
Lewis, SinclairArrowsmith1924
Lewis, SinclairBabbitt1922
Lewis, SinclairCass Timberlane1945
Lewis, SinclairDodsworth1929
Lewis, SinclairElmer Gantry1927
Lewis, SinclairGideon Planish1943
Lewis, SinclairIt Can't Happen Here1935
Lewis, SinclairI’m a Stranger Here Myself and Other Stories1962
Lewis, SinclairKingsblood Royal1947
Lewis, SinclairMain Street1920
Lewis, SinclairMantrap1926
Lewis, SinclairMother-Love1918
Lewis, SinclairThe Man Who Knew Coolidge1928
Lewis, SinclairThe Prodigal Parents1938
Lewis, SinclairWorld So Wide1950
Lewis, WyndhamRotting Hill1951
Lewis, WyndhamSelf Condemned1954
Lewis, WyndhamThe Wild Body -- A Soldier of Humour1927
Lewis, WyndhamThe Wild Body -- Beau Sejour1927
Lewis, WyndhamThe Wild Body -- Bestre1927
Lewis, WyndhamThe Wild Body -- Brotcotnaz1927
Lewis, WyndhamThe Wild Body -- Franciscan Adventures1927
Lewis, WyndhamThe Wild Body -- Inferior Religions1927
Lewis, WyndhamThe Wild Body -- Sigismund1927
Lewis, WyndhamThe Wild Body -- The Cornac and His Wife1927
Lewis, WyndhamThe Wild Body -- The Death of the Ankou1927
Lewis, WyndhamThe Wild Body -- The Meaning of the Wild Body1927
Lewis, WyndhamThe Wild Body -- You Broke My Dream1927
Lewis, WyndhamThe Wild Body. A Soldier of Humour and Other Stories1927
Ley, Arthur GordonThe Cautious Invaders1954
Lichnowsky, MechtildGötter, Könige und Tiere in Ägypten1921
Lichnowsky, Prince Karl MaxMy Mission to London 1912-19141918
Liebling, A. J.Back where I came from1938
Lighthall, W. D. (William Douw)La Corne St-Luc: The “General of the Indians”1908
Lighthall, W. D. (William Douw)Montreal After 250 Years1892
Lighthall, W. D. (William Douw)The Master of Life: A Romance of the Five Nations and of Prehistoric Montreal1908
Lincoln, Joseph CrosbyHead Tide1932
Lindley, Charles, Lord HalifaxLord Halifax's Ghost Book1936
Lindsay, DavidThe Haunted Woman1922
Lindsey, CharlesThe Life and Times of Wm. Lyon Mackenzie, with an account of the Canadian Rebellion of 1837. Volume I1862
Lindsey, CharlesThe Life and Times of Wm. Lyon Mackenzie, with an account of the Canadian Rebellion of 1837. Volume II1862
Linebarger, Paul Myron AnthonyA Planet Named Shayol1961
Linebarger, Paul Myron AnthonyAlpha Ralpha Boulevard1961
Linebarger, Paul Myron AnthonyAngerhelm1959
Linebarger, Paul Myron AnthonyDrunkboat1963
Linebarger, Paul Myron AnthonyFrom Gustible's Planet1962
Linebarger, Paul Myron AnthonyGolden the Ship Was—Oh! Oh! Oh!1959
Linebarger, Paul Myron AnthonyMark Elf1957
Linebarger, Paul Myron AnthonyMother Hitton's Littul Kittons1961
Linebarger, Paul Myron AnthonyNancy [The Nancy Routine]1959
Linebarger, Paul Myron AnthonyNo, No, Not Rogov!1959
Linebarger, Paul Myron AnthonyOn the Gem Planet1963
Linebarger, Paul Myron AnthonyOn the Sand Planet1965
Linebarger, Paul Myron AnthonyOn the Storm Planet1965
Linebarger, Paul Myron AnthonyScanners Live in Vain1950
Linebarger, Paul Myron AnthonyThe Ballad of Lost C'mell1962
Linebarger, Paul Myron AnthonyThe Boy Who Bought Old Earth1964
Linebarger, Paul Myron AnthonyThe Burning of the Brain1958
Linebarger, Paul Myron AnthonyThe Crime and the Glory of Commander Suzdal1964
Linebarger, Paul Myron AnthonyThe Dead Lady of Clown Town1964
Linebarger, Paul Myron AnthonyThe Fife of Bodidharma1959
Linebarger, Paul Myron AnthonyThe Game of Rat and Dragon1955
Linebarger, Paul Myron AnthonyThe Good Friends1963
Linebarger, Paul Myron AnthonyThe Lady Who Sailed The Soul1960
Linebarger, Paul Myron AnthonyThe Store Of Heart's Desire1964
Linebarger, Paul Myron AnthonyThink Blue, Count Two1963
Linebarger, Paul Myron AnthonyThree To A Given Star1965
Linebarger, Paul Myron AnthonyUnder Old Earth1966
Linebarger, Paul Myron AnthonyWar No. 81-Q 1928
Linebarger, Paul Myron AnthonyWestern Science Is So Wonderful1958
Linebarger, Paul Myron AnthonyWhen the People Fell1959
Linton, RalphThe Study of Man1936
Locke, William J. (William John)Ancestor Jorico1929
Locke, William J. (William John)Joshua's Vision1928
Locke, William J. (William John)The Coming of Amos1924
Locke, William J. (William John)The Glory of Clementina Wing1911
Locke, William J. (William John)The Great Pandolfo1925
Locke, William J. (William John)The House of Baltazar1919
Locke, William J. (William John)The Kingdom of Theophilus1927
Locke, William J. (William John)The Old Bridge1926
Locke, William J. (William John)The Tale of Triona1922
Locke, William J. (William John)The Town of Tombarel1930
Locke, William J. (William John)The Usurper1901
Locke, William J. (William John)The Wonderful Year1916
Lockhart, John GilbertBlenden Hall: The True Story of a Shipwreck, a Casting Away, and Life on a Desert Island1930
Lockridge Jr., RossRaintree County1948
Lofting, HilaryBail Up!1939
Lofting, HughDoctor Dolittle in the Moon [Doctor Dolittle #8]1928
Lofting, HughDoctor Dolittle's Garden [Doctor Dolittle #7]1927
Lofting, HughDoctor Dolittle's Post Office [Doctor Dolittle #3]1923
Lofting, HughDoctor Dolittle's Return [Doctor Dolittle #9]1933
Lofting, HughDoctor Dolittle's Zoo [Doctor Dolittle #6]1925
Lofting, HughThe Story of Doctor Dolittle, Being the History of His Peculiar Life at Home and Astonishing Adventures in Foreign Parts [Doctor Dolittle #1]1920
Lofting, HughThe Twilight of Magic1931
Lofting, HughThe Voyages of Doctor Dolittle [Doctor Dolittle #2]1922
Logan, John DanielHighways of Canadian Literature1924
London, Jack (John Griffith)Tales of the Fish Patrol1905
Lonsdale, FrederickCanaries Sometimes Sing1930
Lonsdale, FrederickThe Last of Mrs. Cheyney1925
Loomis, NoelA Horse on Me1948
Loomis, NoelDate Line1948
Loomis, NoelMr. Zytztz Goes To Mars1948
Loomis, NoelSchizophrenic1948
Loomis, NoelSoftie1948
Loring, EmilieA Certain Crossroad1925
Loring, EmilieAcross the Years1939
Loring, EmilieAs Long as I Live1937
Loring, EmilieBeckoning Trails1947
Loring, EmilieBright Skies1946
Loring, EmilieFair Tomorrow1931
Loring, EmilieHere Comes the Sun1924
Loring, EmilieHigh of Heart1938
Loring, EmilieHilltops Clear1933
Loring, EmilieI Hear Adventure Calling1948
Loring, EmilieIt's a Great World!1935
Loring, EmilieLighted Windows1930
Loring, EmilieStars in Your Eyes1941
Loring, EmilieSwift Water1929
Loring, EmilieToday Is Yours1938
Loring, EmilieWhere Beauty Dwells1941
Loring, EmilieWith Banners1934
Loti, PierreUn pèlerin d'Angkor1912
Lovecraft, Howard PhillipsCool Air1947