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Kingsblood Royal

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Book Details

Title:Kingsblood Royal
Lewis, Sinclair   
(10 of 16 for author by title)
Main Street
I’m a Stranger Here Myself and Other Stories
Published:   1947
Publisher:Random House
Tags:fiction, satire

Kingsblood Royal is a satire depicting race relations, bias and attitudes in Midwest American in the 1940's after WWII. Neil Kingsblood, the protagonist, is a typical banker in Minnesota with a comfortable life who makes the shocking discovery that he has African-American blood. Although he is only 1/32 African-American, he explores his heritage by seeking out and socializing with the African-American community. The story that ensues depicts the attitudes and actions of the races and how they react and respond to his discovery. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:273 Info

Author Bio for Lewis, Sinclair

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Sinclair Lewis (1885-1951) was a noted American writer. He became known in the 1920s for his books that satirized the spartan materialism and intolerance that typified life in small towns across the country. The word 'babbitt' (his book by that name written in 1922), is still used as a synonym for middle-class philistinism. He refused the Pulitzer Prize for Arrowsmith (1925) but accepted the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1930, becoming the first American to be awarded that prize. (Chambers Biographical Dictionary)

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