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The Protégé

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Book Details

Title:The Protégé
Lewi, Charlotte Armstrong  Writing under the pseudonym: Armstrong, Charlotte   
(8 of 11 for author by title)
Ten Clues for Mr. Polkinghorn
The Plot Against Miss Pomeroy
Published:   1970
Publisher:Coward-McCann, Inc.
Tags:fiction, mystery

What was a respectable old widow like Mrs. Moffat doing with that bearded young stranger in her house? He told her he was Simon Warren, that he had lived next door when he was a child and had been friends with her grandson—who had vanished mysteriously seven years before. So she invited him for lunch. He stayed for months. Mrs. Moffat asked few questions, although she suspected that he was not “Simon Warren” at all. But she was still convinced that her “protégé” was just a troubled young boy when her granddaughter Zan arrived. Then both women watched with dawning horror as a bizarre scheme unfolded—a scheme to revive the past terror they thought they could forget . . .—Goodreads [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:145 Info

Author Bio for Lewi, Charlotte Armstrong

Author Image

Born 2 May 1905, Vulcan, Michigan; died 18 July 1969, Glendale, California.

Having begun as poet (several poems appeared in the New Yorker) and playwright (two plays ran briefly on Broadway), Charlotte Armstrong soon turned to writing suspense novels, her first three being conventional detective stories. A number of Armstrong's stories are inverted mysteries in which the identity of the criminal is revealed early. In other novels, suspense is created by a race against time. Under the names Charlotte Armstrong and Jo Valentine she wrote over 29 novels short stories and plays.

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