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The Wild Body -- Inferior Religions

Book Details

Title:The Wild Body -- Inferior Religions
Lewis, Wyndham   
(8 of 14 for author by title)
The Wild Body -- Sigismund
The Wild Body -- Franciscan Adventures
Published:   1927
Publisher:Harcourt, Brace and Company
Tags:essay, fiction, short story

Reflections on creativity and human existence, with some reference to the creations of Lewis himself as well as other authors. [Suggest a different description.]


Author Bio for Lewis, Wyndham

Author Image

Percy Wyndham Lewis (18 November 1882 – 7 March 1957) was an English painter and author (he dropped the name 'Percy', which he disliked). He was a co-founder of the Vorticist movement in art, and edited the literary magazine of the Vorticists, BLAST. His novels include his pre-World War I-era novel Tarr (set in Paris), and The Human Age, a trilogy comprising The Childermass (1928), Monstre Gai and Malign Fiesta (both 1955), set in the afterworld. A fourth volume of The Human Age, The Trial of Man, was begun by Lewis but left in a fragmentary state at the time of his death. He also wrote two autobiographical volumes, Blasting and Bombardiering (1937) and Rude Assignment: A Narrative of my Career Up-to-Date (1950).

By 1951, he was completely blinded by a pituitary tumor that placed pressure on his optic nerve. It ended his artistic career, but he continued writing until his death. In 1950 he published the autobiographical Rude Assignment, in 1951 a collection of allegorical short stories about his life (and the life of his friends) in "the capital of a dying empire," entitled "Rotting Hill," and in 1952 a book of essays on writers such as George Orwell, Jean-Paul Sartre and André Malraux, entitled "The Writer and the Absolute." This was followed by the semi-autobiograpical novel "Self Condemned" (1954), a major late statement.

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