All books, rows 5001 through 5250 of 8136 total books.
Leacock, Stephen Butler | The Boy I Left Behind Me | 1946 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | The British Empire: Its Structure, Its Unity, Its Strength | 1940 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | The Dawn of Canadian History: A Chronicle of Aboriginal Canada and the coming of the White Man (Chronicles of Canada #1) | 1914 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | The Doctrine of Laissez Faire: A Critical Essay on the Evolution of Theory and Practice in Reference to the Economic Functions of the Modern State | 0 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | The Drama As I See It | 1923 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | The Dry Pickwick and Other Incongruities | 1932 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | The Garden of Folly | 1924 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | The Gathering Financial Crisis in Canada. A Survey of the Present Critical Situation. | 1936 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | The Greatest Pages of Charles Dickens | 1934 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | The Hohenzollerns in America With the Bolsheviks in Berlin and Other Impossibilities | 1919 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | The Iron Man & The Tin Woman: A Book of Little Sketches of To-Day and To-Morrow. | 1929 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | The Lecturer at Large | 1919 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | The Mariner of St. Malo: A Chronicle of the Voyages of Jacques Cartier (Chronicles of Canada #2) | 1914 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | The Methods of Mr. Sellyer: A Book Store Study | 1914 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | The Original Stephen Leacock | 1921 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | The Pursuit of Knowledge | 1934 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | The Unsolved Riddle of Social Justice | 1920 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | The Woman Question | 1915 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Too Much College, or, Education Eating Up Life. With Kindred Essays in Education and Humour | 1939 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Unsolved Mysteries of the Arctic | 1938 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | War Scenes Across the Canadian Border | 1915 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Wet Wit & Dry Humour | 1931 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | While There is Time: The Case Against Social Catastrophe | 1945 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Winnowed Wisdom | 1926 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Winsome Winnie and other New Nonsense Novels | 1920 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | [Makers of Canada] Volume 5. Mackenzie, Baldwin, Lafontaine, Hincks (New and Revised) | 1926 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | [Makers of Canada] Volume 8. Baldwin-Lafontaine-Hincks, Responsible Government | 1907 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | “Q”: A Farce in One Act | 1915 |
Leavitt, Thad. W. H. (Thaddeus William Henry) | Kaffir, Kangaroo, Klondike: Tales of the Gold Fields | 1898 |
Leblanc, Maurice | Arsène Lupin contre Herlock Sholmès [AKA The Blonde Lady] (Arsène Lupin #2) | 1961 |
Leblanc, Maurice | L'agence Barnett et Cie [AKA The Barnett & Co. Agency] [AKA Jim Barnett Intervenes] [AKA Arsène Lupin Intervenes] (Arsène Lupin #17) | 1927 |
Leblanc, Maurice | L'homme à la peau de bique [AKA A Tragedy In The Forest Of Morgues] [AKA The Man with the Goatskin] (Arsène Lupin #16) | 1927 |
Leblanc, Maurice | L'île aux trente cercueils [AKA The Island of Thirty Coffins] [AKA The Secret of Sarek] (Arsène Lupin #10) | 1919 |
Leblanc, Maurice | La Cagliostro se venge [AKA The Revenge of The Countess of Cagliostro] (Arsène Lupin #23) | 1927 |
Leblanc, Maurice | La Comtesse de Cagliostro [AKA The Countess of Cagliostro] [AKA Memoirs of Arsène Lupin] (Arsène Lupin #13) | 1924 |
Leblanc, Maurice | La demeure mystérieuse [AKA The Mysterious Mansion] [AKA The Melamare Mystery] (Arsène Lupin #18) | 1929 |
Leblanc, Maurice | La Demoiselle aux yeux verts [AKA The Damsel With Green Eyes] [AKA The Girl With the Green Eyes] [AKA Arsène Lupin, Super Sleuth] (Arsène Lupin #15) | 1927 |
Leblanc, Maurice | La Femme aux deux sourires [AKA The Woman With Two Smiles] [AKA The Double Smile] (Arsène Lupin #21) | 1933 |
Leblanc, Maurice | Le Bouchon de cristal [AKA The Crystal Stopper] (Arsène Lupin #5) | 1912 |
Leblanc, Maurice | Le Triangle d'Or [AKA The Golden Triangle] [AKA The Return of Arsène Lupin] (Arsène Lupin #9) | 1918 |
Leblanc, Maurice | Les Aventures d'Arsène Lupin -- L'Aiguille creuse (Arsène Lupin #3) | 1961 |
Leblanc, Maurice | Les Dents du Tigre [AKA The Teeth of The Tiger] (Arsène Lupin #7) | 1920 |
Leblanc, Maurice | Les Huit Coups de l'horloge [AKA The Eight Strokes of The Clock] (Arsène Lupin #11) | 1961 |
Leblanc, Maurice | The Mélamare Mystery [AKA The Mysterious Mansion] (Arsène Lupin Eng. #18) | 1929 |
Leblanc, Maurice | Victor, de la Brigade mondaine [AKA Victor of the Vice Squad] [AKA The Return of Arsène Lupin] (Arsène Lupin #22) | 1933 |
Lee, Edward Edson | Andy Blake in Advertising (Andy Blake #1) | 1922 |
Lee, Edward Edson | Andy Blake's Comet Coaster (Andy Blake #2) | 1928 |
Lee, Edward Edson | Jerry Todd and the Bob-tailed Elephant (Jerry Todd #9) | 1929 |
Lee, Edward Edson | Jerry Todd and the Flying Flapdoodle (Jerry Todd #12) | 1934 |
Lee, Edward Edson | Jerry Todd and the Purring Egg (Jerry Todd #6) | 1925 |
Lee, Edward Edson | Jerry Todd and the Talking Frog (Jerry Todd #5) | 1925 |
Lee, Edward Edson | Jerry Todd and the Waltzing Hen (Jerry Todd #4) | 1924 |
Lee, Edward Edson | Jerry Todd and the Whispering Mummy (Jerry Todd #1) | 1923 |
Lee, Edward Edson | Jerry Todd in the Whispering Cave (Jerry Todd #7) | 1927 |
Lee, Edward Edson | Jerry Todd's Poodle Parlor (Jerry Todd #15) | 1938 |
Lee, Edward Edson | Jerry Todd, Editor-in-Grief (Jerry Todd #10) | 1930 |
Lee, Edward Edson | Jerry Todd—Caveman (Jerry Todd #11) | 1932 |
Lee, Edward Edson | Poppy Ott and the Freckled Goldfish (Poppy Ott #5) | 1928 |
Lee, Edward Edson | Poppy Ott and the Prancing Pancake (Poppy Ott #7) | 1930 |
Lee, Edward Edson | Poppy Ott and the Tittering Totem (Poppy Ott #6) | 1929 |
Lee, Edward Edson | Poppy Ott Hits the Trail (Poppy Ott #8) | 1933 |
Lee, Edward Edson | Poppy Ott's Seven-League Stilts (Poppy Ott #2) | 1926 |
Leeming, Joseph | Brave Ships of World War II | 1944 |
Lefevre, Lily Alice Cooke | The Lions' Gate and Other Verses | 1895 |
Leichtentritt, Hugo | Music, History and Ideas | 1938 |
Leighton, Robert | Sergeant Silk: The Prairie Scout | 1929 |
Leighton, Robert | Softfoot of Silver Creek | 1926 |
Leighton, Robert | The Golden Galleon | 1898 |
Leitz, Ernst | Microscopes and Accessory Apparatus | 1903 |
Lejzerowicz, Izrael | El la "Verda Biblio" kaj Babiladoj kun Horaĉo Serĉer | 1935 |
Lejzerowicz, Izrael | La Sorĉistino el Kastilio | 1933 |
Leland, Charles Godfrey | Songs of the Sea and Lays of the Land | 1895 |
Leprohon, Madame (Rosanna Eleanor) | Antoinette de Mirecourt, ou Mariage secret et chagrins cachés | 1865 |
Levy, Newman | Saturday to Monday | 1929 |
Lewi, Charlotte Armstrong | A Dram of Poison | 1956 |
Lewi, Charlotte Armstrong | A Little Less Than Kind | 1963 |
Lewi, Charlotte Armstrong | Mischief | 1950 |
Lewi, Charlotte Armstrong | Ten Clues for Mr. Polkinghorn | 1956 |
Lewi, Charlotte Armstrong | The Balloon Man | 1968 |
Lewi, Charlotte Armstrong | The Dream Walker | 1955 |
Lewi, Charlotte Armstrong | The Enemy | 1951 |
Lewi, Charlotte Armstrong | The Plot Against Miss Pomeroy | 1950 |
Lewi, Charlotte Armstrong | The Protégé | 1970 |
Lewi, Charlotte Armstrong | The Trouble in Thor | 1953 |
Lewi, Charlotte Armstrong | What Would You Have Done? | 1955 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | A Grief Observed | 1961 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | A Preface to Paradise Lost | 1942 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | An Experiment in Criticism | 1961 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | Beyond Personality: The Christian Idea of God | 1944 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | Broadcast Talks | 1942 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | George MacDonald: An Anthology | 1946 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | Hamlet: The Prince or the Poem? | 1942 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer | 1964 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | Mere Christianity | 1952 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | Miracles | 1947 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | On Stories | 1942 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | Out of the Silent Planet (Space Trilogy #1) | 1938 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | Perelandra (Space Trilogy #2) | 1943 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | Preface to Essays presented to Charles Williams | 1947 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | Prince Caspian. The Return to Narnia. (Chronicles of Narnia #2) | 1951 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | Reflections on the Psalms | 1958 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | Rehabilitation and Other Essays | 1939 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | Studies in Words | 1960 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | Surprised by Joy: The shape of my early life | 1955 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | That Hideous Strength (Space Trilogy #3) | 1945 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | The Abolition of Man; or; Reflections on Education with Special Reference to the Teaching of English in the Upper Forms of Schools | 1944 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | The Allegory of Love: A Study in Medieval Tradition | 1936 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | The Discarded Image: An Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Literature | 1964 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | The Four Loves | 1960 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | The Great Divorce | 1945 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | The Horse and his Boy (Chronicles of Narnia #5) | 1954 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | The Last Battle (Chronicles of Narnia #7) | 1956 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Chronicles of Narnia #1) | 1950 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | The Magician's Nephew (Chronicles of Narnia #6) | 1955 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | The Personal Heresy | 1939 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | The Pilgrim's Regress | 1933 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | The Problem of Pain | 1940 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | The Screwtape Letters | 1944 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | The Silver Chair (Chronicles of Narnia #4) | 1953 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (Chronicles of Narnia #3) | 1952 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | The World's Last Night and Other Essays | 1960 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | They Asked for a Paper: Papers and Addresses | 1962 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | Till we have Faces -- A Myth Retold | 1956 |
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) | Transposition and other Addresses | 1949 |
Lewis, Elizabeth Foreman | Young Fu of the Upper Yangtze | 1934 |
Lewis, Sinclair | Ann Vickers | 1932 |
Lewis, Sinclair | Arrowsmith | 1924 |
Lewis, Sinclair | Babbitt | 1922 |
Lewis, Sinclair | Cass Timberlane | 1945 |
Lewis, Sinclair | Dodsworth | 1929 |
Lewis, Sinclair | Elmer Gantry | 1927 |
Lewis, Sinclair | Gideon Planish | 1943 |
Lewis, Sinclair | It Can't Happen Here | 1935 |
Lewis, Sinclair | I’m a Stranger Here Myself and Other Stories | 1962 |
Lewis, Sinclair | Kingsblood Royal | 1947 |
Lewis, Sinclair | Main Street | 1920 |
Lewis, Sinclair | Mantrap | 1926 |
Lewis, Sinclair | Mother-Love | 1918 |
Lewis, Sinclair | The Man Who Knew Coolidge | 1928 |
Lewis, Sinclair | The Prodigal Parents | 1938 |
Lewis, Sinclair | World So Wide | 1950 |
Lewis, Wyndham | Rotting Hill | 1951 |
Lewis, Wyndham | Self Condemned | 1954 |
Lewis, Wyndham | The Wild Body -- A Soldier of Humour | 1927 |
Lewis, Wyndham | The Wild Body -- Beau Sejour | 1927 |
Lewis, Wyndham | The Wild Body -- Bestre | 1927 |
Lewis, Wyndham | The Wild Body -- Brotcotnaz | 1927 |
Lewis, Wyndham | The Wild Body -- Franciscan Adventures | 1927 |
Lewis, Wyndham | The Wild Body -- Inferior Religions | 1927 |
Lewis, Wyndham | The Wild Body -- Sigismund | 1927 |
Lewis, Wyndham | The Wild Body -- The Cornac and His Wife | 1927 |
Lewis, Wyndham | The Wild Body -- The Death of the Ankou | 1927 |
Lewis, Wyndham | The Wild Body -- The Meaning of the Wild Body | 1927 |
Lewis, Wyndham | The Wild Body -- You Broke My Dream | 1927 |
Lewis, Wyndham | The Wild Body. A Soldier of Humour and Other Stories | 1927 |
Ley, Arthur Gordon | The Cautious Invaders | 1954 |
Lichnowsky, Mechtild | Götter, Könige und Tiere in Ägypten | 1921 |
Lichnowsky, Prince Karl Max | My Mission to London 1912-1914 | 1918 |
Liebling, A. J. | Back where I came from | 1938 |
Lighthall, W. D. (William Douw) | La Corne St-Luc: The “General of the Indians” | 1908 |
Lighthall, W. D. (William Douw) | Montreal After 250 Years | 1892 |
Lighthall, W. D. (William Douw) | The Master of Life: A Romance of the Five Nations and of Prehistoric Montreal | 1908 |
Lincoln, Joseph Crosby | Head Tide | 1932 |
Lindley, Charles, Lord Halifax | Lord Halifax's Ghost Book | 1936 |
Lindsay, David | The Haunted Woman | 1922 |
Lindsey, Charles | The Life and Times of Wm. Lyon Mackenzie, with an account of the Canadian Rebellion of 1837. Volume I | 1862 |
Lindsey, Charles | The Life and Times of Wm. Lyon Mackenzie, with an account of the Canadian Rebellion of 1837. Volume II | 1862 |
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony | A Planet Named Shayol | 1961 |
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony | Alpha Ralpha Boulevard | 1961 |
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony | Angerhelm | 1959 |
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony | Drunkboat | 1963 |
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony | From Gustible's Planet | 1962 |
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony | Golden the Ship Was—Oh! Oh! Oh! | 1959 |
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony | Mark Elf | 1957 |
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony | Mother Hitton's Littul Kittons | 1961 |
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony | Nancy [The Nancy Routine] | 1959 |
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony | No, No, Not Rogov! | 1959 |
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony | On the Gem Planet | 1963 |
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony | On the Sand Planet | 1965 |
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony | On the Storm Planet | 1965 |
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony | Scanners Live in Vain | 1950 |
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony | The Ballad of Lost C'mell | 1962 |
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony | The Boy Who Bought Old Earth | 1964 |
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony | The Burning of the Brain | 1958 |
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony | The Crime and the Glory of Commander Suzdal | 1964 |
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony | The Dead Lady of Clown Town | 1964 |
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony | The Fife of Bodidharma | 1959 |
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony | The Game of Rat and Dragon | 1955 |
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony | The Good Friends | 1963 |
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony | The Lady Who Sailed The Soul | 1960 |
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony | The Store Of Heart's Desire | 1964 |
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony | Think Blue, Count Two | 1963 |
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony | Three To A Given Star | 1965 |
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony | Under Old Earth | 1966 |
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony | War No. 81-Q | 1928 |
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony | Western Science Is So Wonderful | 1958 |
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony | When the People Fell | 1959 |
Linton, Ralph | The Study of Man | 1936 |
Locke, William J. (William John) | Ancestor Jorico | 1929 |
Locke, William J. (William John) | Joshua's Vision | 1928 |
Locke, William J. (William John) | The Coming of Amos | 1924 |
Locke, William J. (William John) | The Glory of Clementina Wing | 1911 |
Locke, William J. (William John) | The Great Pandolfo | 1925 |
Locke, William J. (William John) | The House of Baltazar | 1919 |
Locke, William J. (William John) | The Kingdom of Theophilus | 1927 |
Locke, William J. (William John) | The Old Bridge | 1926 |
Locke, William J. (William John) | The Tale of Triona | 1922 |
Locke, William J. (William John) | The Town of Tombarel | 1930 |
Locke, William J. (William John) | The Usurper | 1901 |
Locke, William J. (William John) | The Wonderful Year | 1916 |
Lockhart, John Gilbert | Blenden Hall: The True Story of a Shipwreck, a Casting Away, and Life on a Desert Island | 1930 |
Lockridge Jr., Ross | Raintree County | 1948 |
Lofting, Hilary | Bail Up! | 1939 |
Lofting, Hugh | Doctor Dolittle in the Moon [Doctor Dolittle #8] | 1928 |
Lofting, Hugh | Doctor Dolittle's Garden [Doctor Dolittle #7] | 1927 |
Lofting, Hugh | Doctor Dolittle's Post Office [Doctor Dolittle #3] | 1923 |
Lofting, Hugh | Doctor Dolittle's Return [Doctor Dolittle #9] | 1933 |
Lofting, Hugh | Doctor Dolittle's Zoo [Doctor Dolittle #6] | 1925 |
Lofting, Hugh | The Story of Doctor Dolittle, Being the History of His Peculiar Life at Home and Astonishing Adventures in Foreign Parts [Doctor Dolittle #1] | 1920 |
Lofting, Hugh | The Twilight of Magic | 1931 |
Lofting, Hugh | The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle [Doctor Dolittle #2] | 1922 |
Logan, John Daniel | Highways of Canadian Literature | 1924 |
London, Jack (John Griffith) | Tales of the Fish Patrol | 1905 |
Lonsdale, Frederick | Canaries Sometimes Sing | 1930 |
Lonsdale, Frederick | The Last of Mrs. Cheyney | 1925 |
Loomis, Noel | A Horse on Me | 1948 |
Loomis, Noel | Date Line | 1948 |
Loomis, Noel | Mr. Zytztz Goes To Mars | 1948 |
Loomis, Noel | Schizophrenic | 1948 |
Loomis, Noel | Softie | 1948 |
Loring, Emilie | A Certain Crossroad | 1925 |
Loring, Emilie | Across the Years | 1939 |
Loring, Emilie | As Long as I Live | 1937 |
Loring, Emilie | Beckoning Trails | 1947 |
Loring, Emilie | Bright Skies | 1946 |
Loring, Emilie | Fair Tomorrow | 1931 |
Loring, Emilie | Here Comes the Sun | 1924 |
Loring, Emilie | High of Heart | 1938 |
Loring, Emilie | Hilltops Clear | 1933 |
Loring, Emilie | I Hear Adventure Calling | 1948 |
Loring, Emilie | It's a Great World! | 1935 |
Loring, Emilie | Lighted Windows | 1930 |
Loring, Emilie | Stars in Your Eyes | 1941 |
Loring, Emilie | Swift Water | 1929 |
Loring, Emilie | Today Is Yours | 1938 |
Loring, Emilie | Where Beauty Dwells | 1941 |
Loring, Emilie | With Banners | 1934 |
Loti, Pierre | Un pèlerin d'Angkor | 1912 |
Lovecraft, Howard Phillips | Cool Air | 1947 |
Lovecraft, Howard Phillips | Dagon | 1951 |