All books, rows 4751 through 5000 of 8328 total books.
Kuttner, Henry | Way of the Gods | 1947 |
Kuttner, Henry | We Are the Dead | 1937 |
Kuttner, Henry | We Kill People | 1946 |
Kuttner, Henry | We Shall Come Back | 1951 |
Kuttner, Henry | When the Bough Breaks | 1944 |
Kuttner, Henry | When the Earth Lived | 1937 |
Kuttner, Henry | World's End | 1938 |
Kuttner, Henry | World's Pharaoh | 1939 |
Kyne, Peter B. | Jim the Conqueror | 1929 |
Kyne, Peter B. | Money to Burn | 1926 |
Kyne, Peter B. | Never the Twain Shall Meet | 1923 |
Kyne, Peter B. | The Enchanted Hill | 1924 |
Kyne, Peter B. | The Tide of Empire | 1928 |
Kyne, Peter B. | They Also Serve | 1927 |
La Chance, W. W. | Modern Schoolhouses: With Plans and Illustrations of the Newest in Schoolhouse Architecture | 1919 |
La Motte-Fouqué, Friedrich de | Undine | 1811 |
La Prade, Ernest | Alice in Orchestralia | 1941 |
La Prade, Ernest | Marching Notes | 1929 |
Lagerlöf, Selma | Charlotte Löwensköld | 1927 |
Lamb, Harold | Alexander of Macedon | 1946 |
Lamb, Harold | Marching Sands | 1919 |
Lamb, Harold | Tamerlane: The Earth Shaker | 1929 |
Lamb, Harold | The Crusades (Volume 1) Iron Men and Saints | 1930 |
Lamb, Harold | The Crusades (Volume 2) The Flame of Islam | 1930 |
Lamb, Harold | The March of the Barbarians | 1940 |
Lambert, Constant | Music Ho! A Study of Music in Decline | 1931 |
Lambton, John George | Lord Durham's Report on the Affairs of British North America, Volume 3 | 1912 |
Lamburn, Richmal Crompton | William Again (Just William #3) | 1923 |
Lamburn, Richmal Crompton | William and the Tramp (Just William #28) | 1952 |
Lamburn, Richmal Crompton | William's Happy Days (Just William #12) | 1930 |
Lamburn, Richmal Crompton | William--In Trouble (Just William #8) | 1927 |
Lamburn, Richmal Crompton | William--the Bad (Just William #11) | 1930 |
Lamburn, Richmal Crompton | William--the Bold (Just William #27) | 1950 |
Lamburn, Richmal Crompton | William--the Conqueror (Just William #6) | 1926 |
Lamburn, Richmal Crompton | William--the Dictator (Just William #20) | 1938 |
Lamburn, Richmal Crompton | William--the Pirate (Just William #14) | 1932 |
Lamburn, Richmal Crompton | William—the Showman (Just William #19) | 1937 |
Landauer, Gustav | Die Revolution | 1919 |
Landon, Fred | A Daring Canadian Abolitionist | 1921 |
Landon, Fred | A Military Tragedy on Lake Erie | 1945 |
Landon, Fred | Agriculture Among the Negro Refugees in Upper Canada | 1936 |
Landon, Fred | Amherstburg, Terminus of the Underground Railroad | 1925 |
Landon, Fred | Anthony Burns in Canada | 1925 |
Landon, Fred | Benjamin Lundy, Abolitionist | 1927 |
Landon, Fred | Buffalo to Chicago in 1839 | 1948 |
Landon, Fred | Canada’s Part in Freeing the Slave | 1919 |
Landon, Fred | Canadian Negroes and the John Brown Raid | 1921 |
Landon, Fred | Canadian Negroes and the Rebellion of 1837 | 1922 |
Landon, Fred | Canadian Opinion of Southern Secession 1860-61 | 1920 |
Landon, Fred | D'Alton McCarthy and the Politics of the Later 'Eighties | 1932 |
Landon, Fred | Disaster on Isle Royale | 1965 |
Landon, Fred | Father Jones and the Jesuit Archives | 1918 |
Landon, Fred | From Cattle Boat to Passenger Steamer | 1961 |
Landon, Fred | From Chatham to Harper’s Ferry | 1919 |
Landon, Fred | Gunboats on the Lower Lakes During the Fenian Scare | 1963 |
Landon, Fred | Henry Bibb, a Colonizer | 1920 |
Landon, Fred | In An Old Ontario Cemetery | 1926 |
Landon, Fred | In Rock Harbor for Shelter in 1901 | 1956 |
Landon, Fred | London and its Vicinity 1837-38 | 1927 |
Landon, Fred | Loss of the Western Reserve | 1964 |
Landon, Fred | Rebellion Losses Claims in London District in 1845 | 1931 |
Landon, Fred | Sept Iles | 1965 |
Landon, Fred | Shipwreck on Isle Royale | 1960 |
Landon, Fred | Sixty Years of the C.P.R. Great Lakes Fleet | 1945 |
Landon, Fred | The Anderson Fugitive Case | 1922 |
Landon, Fred | The Anti-Slavery Society of Canada | 1919 |
Landon, Fred | The Buxton Settlement in Canada | 1918 |
Landon, Fred | The Canadian Scene, 1880-1890 | 1942 |
Landon, Fred | The Common Man in the Era of the Rebellion in Upper Canada | 1937 |
Landon, Fred | The Discovery of Superior Shoal | 1959 |
Landon, Fred | The Keefer Lakehead Terminal | 1962 |
Landon, Fred | The Kidnapping of Dr. Rufus Bratton | 1925 |
Landon, Fred | The Negro Migration to Canada After the Passing of the Fugitive Slave Act | 1920 |
Landon, Fred | The Trent Affair of 1861 | 1922 |
Landon, Fred | Their Greatness Touched the Land | 1969 |
Landon, Fred | Trial and Punishment of the Patriots Captured at Windsor in December 1838 | 1937 |
Landon, Fred | Turret Boats | 1967 |
Landon, Fred | “For Those in Peril on the Sea” | 1964 |
Landsberger, Artur | Miß Rockefeller filmt | 1920 |
Landsberger, Artur | Wie Hilde Simon mit Gott und dem Teufel kämpfte | 1918 |
Lane, Rose Wilder | Let the Hurricane Roar | 1933 |
Lang, Andrew | Historical Mysteries | 1905 |
Lang, Andrew | Tales of King Arthur and the Round Table | 1918 |
Lang, Andrew | Tales of Romance: Based on Tales in the Book of Romance | 1919 |
Lang, Andrew | The Green Fairy Book | 1906 |
Lang, Andrew | The Grey Fairy Book | 1905 |
Lang, Andrew | The Lilac Fairy Book | 1910 |
Lang, Andrew | The Magic Ring and Other Stories: From the Yellow and Crimson Fairy Books | 1906 |
Lang, Andrew | The Violet Fairy Book | 1901 |
Lang, Andrew | The Yellow Fairy Book | 1894 |
Lang, Jean | A Land of Romance--The Border, Its History and Legend | 1910 |
Lanman, Charles | A summer in the wilderness; embracing a canoe voyage up the Mississippi and around Lake Superior | 1847 |
Lanman, Charles | A tour to the river Saguenay, in Lower Canada | 1848 |
Lanman, Charles | Adventures in the wilds of the United States and British American provinces Volume 2 | 1856 |
Lanman, Charles | Adventures in the wilds of the United States and British American provinces, Volume 1 | 1856 |
Lanman, Charles | Adventures of an Angler in Canada, Nova Scotia and the United States | 1848 |
Lanman, Charles | Essays for Summer Hours | 1842 |
Lanman, Charles | Farthest North | 1885 |
Lanman, Charles | Haphazard Personalities, Chiefly of noted Americans | 1886 |
Lanman, Charles | Haw-Ho-Noo; or, Records of a Tourist | 1850 |
Lanman, Charles | Leading Men of Japan, with an Historical Summary of the Empire | 1883 |
Lanman, Charles | Letters from a Landscape Painter | 1845 |
Lanman, Charles | Letters from the Alleghany Mountains | 1849 |
Lanman, Charles | Recollections of Curious Characters and Pleasant Places | 1881 |
Lanman, Charles | The Red Book of Michigan; a civil, military and biographical history | 1871 |
Larcom, Lucy | Our Young Folks. An Illustrated Magazine for Boys and Girls. Vol 4, Issue 10: October 1868 | 1868 |
Larcom, Lucy | Our Young Folks. An Illustrated Magazine for Boys and Girls. Vol 4, Issue 11: November 1868 | 1868 |
Larcom, Lucy | Our Young Folks. An Illustrated Magazine for Boys and Girls. Vol 4, Issue 12: December 1868 | 1868 |
Larcom, Lucy | Our Young Folks. An Illustrated Magazine for Boys and Girls. Vol 4, Issue 1: January 1868 | 1868 |
Larcom, Lucy | Our Young Folks. An Illustrated Magazine for Boys and Girls. Vol 4, Issue 2: February 1868 | 1868 |
Larcom, Lucy | Our Young Folks. An Illustrated Magazine for Boys and Girls. Vol 4, Issue 3: March 1868 | 1868 |
Larcom, Lucy | Our Young Folks. An Illustrated Magazine for Boys and Girls. Vol 4, Issue 4: April 1868 | 1868 |
Larcom, Lucy | Our Young Folks. An Illustrated Magazine for Boys and Girls. Vol 4, Issue 5: May 1868 | 1868 |
Larcom, Lucy | Our Young Folks. An Illustrated Magazine for Boys and Girls. Vol 4, Issue 6: June 1868 | 1868 |
Larcom, Lucy | Our Young Folks. An Illustrated Magazine for Boys and Girls. Vol 4, Issue 7: July 1868 | 1868 |
Larcom, Lucy | Our Young Folks. An Illustrated Magazine for Boys and Girls. Vol 4, Issue 8: August 1868 | 1868 |
Larcom, Lucy | Our Young Folks. An Illustrated Magazine for Boys and Girls. Vol 4, Issue 9: September 1868 | 1868 |
Larcom, Lucy | Our Young Folks. An Illustrated Magazine for Boys and Girls. Vol 5, Issue 10: October 1869 | 1869 |
Larcom, Lucy | Our Young Folks. An Illustrated Magazine for Boys and Girls. Vol 5, Issue 11: November 1869 | 1869 |
Larcom, Lucy | Our Young Folks. An Illustrated Magazine for Boys and Girls. Vol 5, Issue 12: December 1869 | 1869 |
Larcom, Lucy | Our Young Folks. An Illustrated Magazine for Boys and Girls. Vol 5, Issue 1: January 1869 | 1869 |
Larcom, Lucy | Our Young Folks. An Illustrated Magazine for Boys and Girls. Vol 5, Issue 2: February 1869 | 1869 |
Larcom, Lucy | Our Young Folks. An Illustrated Magazine for Boys and Girls. Vol 5, Issue 3: March 1869 | 1869 |
Larcom, Lucy | Our Young Folks. An Illustrated Magazine for Boys and Girls. Vol 5, Issue 4: April 1869 | 1869 |
Larcom, Lucy | Our Young Folks. An Illustrated Magazine for Boys and Girls. Vol 5, Issue 5: May 1869 | 1869 |
Larcom, Lucy | Our Young Folks. An Illustrated Magazine for Boys and Girls. Vol 5, Issue 6: June 1869 | 1869 |
Larcom, Lucy | Our Young Folks. An Illustrated Magazine for Boys and Girls. Vol 5, Issue 7: July 1869 | 1869 |
Larcom, Lucy | Our Young Folks. An Illustrated Magazine for Boys and Girls. Vol 5, Issue 8: August 1869 | 1869 |
Larcom, Lucy | Our Young Folks. An Illustrated Magazine for Boys and Girls. Vol 5, Issue 9: September 1869 | 1869 |
Lardner, Ring | Round Up: The Stories of Ring W. Lardner | 1929 |
Larsen, Henry (Henry Asbjörn) | The North-West Passage, 1940-1942 and 1944: The Famous Voyages of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Schooner St. Roch. | 1948 |
LaRue, Hubert | Voyage sentimental sur la rue Saint-Jean | 1879 |
Laski, Harold Joseph | The Rights of Man | 1940 |
Lathrop, Gilbert A. | Whispering Rails | 1936 |
Lauder, Sir Harry | Roamin' in the Gloamin' | 1928 |
Laut, Agnes Christina | Cadillac. Knight Errant of the Wilderness, Founder of Detroit, Governor of Louisiana from the Great Lakes to the Gulf | 1931 |
Laut, Agnes Christina | Canada at the Cross Roads | 1921 |
Laut, Agnes Christina | Canada: the Empire of the North: Being the Romantic Story of the New Dominion's Growth from Colony to Kingdom | 1909 |
Laut, Agnes Christina | Heralds of Empire: Being the Story of One Ramsay Stanhope, Lieutenant to Pierre Radisson in the Northern Fur Trade | 1902 |
Laut, Agnes Christina | Pathfinders of the West: Being the Thrilling Story of the Adventures of the Men Who: Discovered the Great Northwest: Radisson, La Vérendrye, Lewis and Clark | 1904 |
Laut, Agnes Christina | Pioneers of the Pacific Coast: A Chronicle of Sea Rovers and Fur Hunters (Chronicles of Canada #22) | 1915 |
Laut, Agnes Christina | The "Adventurers of England" on Hudson Bay: A Chronicle of the Fur Trade in the North (Chronicles of Canada #18) | 1914 |
Laut, Agnes Christina | The Canadian Commonwealth | 1915 |
Laut, Agnes Christina | The Cariboo Trail: A Chronicle of the Gold-fields of British Columbia (Chronicles of Canada #23) | 1916 |
Laut, Agnes Christina | The Conquest of Our Western Empire | 1932 |
Laut, Agnes Christina | The Freebooters of the Wilderness | 1910 |
Laut, Agnes Christina | The Overland Trail | 1929 |
Laut, Agnes Christina | The Quenchless Light | 1924 |
Laut, Agnes Christina | Vikings of the Pacific: The Adventures of the Explorers who Came from the West, Eastward | 1905 |
Lawler, James | The Talking Trees and Canadian Forest Trees | 1921 |
Lawrence, Frieda von Richthofen | "Not I, but the Wind..." | 1934 |
Lawrence, Gertrude | A Star Danced | 1945 |
Lawrence, T. E. (Thomas Edward) | Revolt in the Desert | 1926 |
Lawrence, T. E. (Thomas Edward) | The Mint | 1935 |
Lawrence, T. E. (Thomas Edward) | The Odyssey of Homer | 1932 |
Lawson, James Gilchrist | The World's Best Humorous Anecdotes | 1923 |
Lawson, Robert | McWhinney's Jaunt | 1951 |
Lawson, Robert | Poo-Poo and the Dragons | 1942 |
Lay, Eleanor H. | The Maple Leaf Vol. II No. 3 March 1853 | 1853 |
Lay, Eleanor H. | The Maple Leaf Vol. II No. 4 April 1853 | 1853 |
Lay, Eleanor H. | The Maple Leaf Vol. II No. 5 May 1853 | 1853 |
Lay, Eleanor H. | The Maple Leaf Vol. II No. 6 June 1853 | 1853 |
Lay, Eleanor H. | The Maple Leaf Vol. III No. 1 July 1853 | 1853 |
Lay, Eleanor H. | The Maple Leaf, Vol. 3, No. 2, August 1853 | 1853 |
Lay, Eleanor H. | The Maple Leaf, Vol. 3, No. 3, September 1853 | 1853 |
Lay, Robert W. | The Maple Leaf Vol. II No. 2 February 1853 | 1853 |
Lay, Robert W. | The Maple Leaf, Volume 1, No. 1, July 1852 | 1852 |
Lay, Robert W. | The Maple Leaf, Volume 1, No. 2, August 1852 | 1852 |
Lay, Robert W. | The Maple Leaf, Volume 1, No. 3, September 1852 | 1852 |
Lay, Robert W. | The Maple Leaf, Volume 1, No. 4, October 1852 | 1852 |
Lay, Robert W. | The Maple Leaf, Volume 1, No. 5, November 1852 | 1852 |
Lay, Robert W. | The Maple Leaf, Volume 1, No. 6, December 1852 | 1852 |
Lay, Robert W. | The Maple Leaf, Volume 2, No. 1, January 1853 | 1853 |
Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan | The Tenants of Malory, Vol. 1 of 3 | 1867 |
Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan | The Tenants of Malory, Vol. 2 of 3 | 1867 |
Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan | The Tenants of Malory, Vol. 3 of 3 | 1867 |
Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan | The Wyvern Mystery, Vol. 1 of 3 | 1869 |
Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan | The Wyvern Mystery, Vol. 2 of 3 | 1869 |
Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan | The Wyvern Mystery, Vol. 3 of 3 | 1869 |
Le Fanu, William Richard | Seventy Years of Irish Life | 1893 |
Le Feuvre, Amy | Joan's Handful | 1930 |
Le Feuvre, Amy | Odd Made Even | 1902 |
Le Feuvre, Amy | Some Builders, Or, A Sure Foundation | 1931 |
Le Feuvre, Amy | Tested, or The Challenge of Adversity | 1927 |
Le Feuvre, Amy | The Chisel | 1919 |
Le May, Alan | By Dim and Flaring Lamps | 1963 |
Le May, Alan | One of us is a Murderer | 1930 |
Le May, Alan | Painted Ponies | 1927 |
Le May, Alan | The Bells of San Juan | 1944 |
Le May, Alan | The Searchers [AKA The Avenging Texans] | 1954 |
Le May, Alan | The Smoky Years | 1935 |
Le May, Alan | The Unforgiven | 1957 |
Le May, Pamphile | Contes vrais | 1899 |
Le May, Pamphile | L'affaire Sougraine | 1884 |
Le May, Pamphile | Le Chien d'Or | 1884 |
Le May, Pamphile | Les Gouttelettes--Sonnets | 1904 |
Le May, Pamphile | Picounoc le Maudit | 1878 |
Le Moine, Sir James MacPherson | Les Héroïnes de la Nouvelle-France | 1888 |
Le Moine, Sir James MacPherson | Les Rues de Québec | 1875 |
Le Queux, William | The Crimes Club | 1927 |
Le Queux, William | The Tickencote Treasure | 1913 |
Le Sueur, William D. | [Makers of Canada] Volume 3. Count Frontenac | 1909 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Adventurers of the Far North: A Chronicle of the Arctic Seas (Chronicles of Canada #20) | 1914 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Afternoons in Utopia: Tales of the New Time | 1932 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | All Right, Mr. Roosevelt (Canada and the United States) | 1939 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Arcadian Adventures with the Idle Rich | 1914 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Back to Prosperity: The Great Opportunity of the Empire Conference | 1932 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Behind the Beyond and Other Contributions to Human Knowledge | 1913 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Canada: The Foundations of Its Future | 1941 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Canada’s War at Sea: Volume 1: Canada and the Sea | 1944 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Charles Dickens: His Life and Work | 1933 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | College Days | 1923 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Economic Prosperity in the British Empire | 1930 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Elements of Political Science | 1906 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Essays and Literary Studies | 1916 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Follies in Fiction | 1916 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Frenzied Fiction | 1918 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Frenzied Fiction for the Dog Days | 1917 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Further Foolishness: Sketches and Satires on the Follies of the Day | 1916 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Happy Stories, Just to Laugh at | 1943 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Here are My Lectures | 1938 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | How to Write | 1944 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | How Wife and I Built Our Home for $4.90 | 1925 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Humor and Humanity: An Introduction to the Study of Humor | 1938 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Humor: Its Theory and Technique | 1935 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | In Dry Toronto | 1917 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | In Merry Mexico | 1917 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Last Leaves | 1945 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Laugh With Leacock | 1930 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Lincoln Frees the Slaves | 1934 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Literary Lapses -- A Book of Sketches | 1910 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Mark Twain | 1933 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Model Memoirs and Other Sketches from Simple to Serious | 1938 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Montreal: Seaport and City | 1942 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Moonbeams from the Larger Lunacy | 1915 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | More About Germany From Within | 1919 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | My Discovery of England | 1922 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | My Discovery of the West. A Discussion of East and West in Canada | 1937 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | My Memories and Miseries As a Schoolmaster | 1919 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | My Recollections of Chicago | 1943 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | My Remarkable Uncle and Other Sketches | 1942 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Nonsense Novels | 1922 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Our Heritage of Liberty: Its Origin, Its Achievement, Its Crisis. A Book for Wartime | 1942 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Over the Footlights | 1923 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Prohibition Comes To London | 1922 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Reconstruction in Turkey | 1919 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Roughing it in the Bush | 1922 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Short Circuits | 1928 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Sunshine in Mariposa | 1917 |
Leacock, Stephen Butler | Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town | 1912 |