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Haphazard Personalities, Chiefly of noted Americans

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Book Details

Title:Haphazard Personalities, Chiefly of noted Americans
Lanman, Charles   
(8 of 16 for author by title)
Haw-Ho-Noo; or, Records of a Tourist
Farthest North
Published:   1886
Publisher:Lee and Shepard
Tags:biography, correspondence, non-fiction, U.S.A.

Short biographies and correspondence from American authors, presidents, literary agents, and other notables of the 19th Century including: Charles Dickens, Washington Irving, Henry Longfellow, William C. Bryant, Henry Clay and George B. McClellan. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:283 Info

Author Bio for Lanman, Charles

Author Image

Charles Lanman (June 14, 1819-March 4, 1895)was born in Michigan and spent his childhood exploring the wilds of Michigan. From 1835 to 1845, Lanman studied and worked in New York, where he was associated with the Hudson River School. In 1848, Lanman moved to Washington, D.C., where he served as librarian of the War Department, the Department of the Interior, the House of Representatives, and the Washington City Library; and as private secretary to Daniel Webster. He was a prolific landscape and character painter, and wrote extensively about many major New York artists and political figures of the early to mid-nineteenth century with whom he was associated, including George Caitlin, John James Audubon, and Daniel Huntington. One of the first non-native travelers to use a birch bark canoe, Lanman recorded his adventures on the rivers east of the Rocky Mountains in more than 1000 oil studies, 700 pencil sketches, 33 books and numerous newspaper articles. He died in Washington, D.C. in 1895

Source: oac.cdlib.org

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