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Revolt in the Desert

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Title:Revolt in the Desert
Lawrence, T. E. (Thomas Edward)   
(3 of 3 for author by title)
The Odyssey of Homer
Published:   1926
Publisher:Garden City Publishing Company, Inc
Tags:autobiography, non-fiction

An epic account of the Great War in the Middle East

T. E. Lawrence-Lawrence of Arabia-needs no introduction. His renowned work about his experiences with King Feisal's Arab army as it fought its campaign to Damascus-The Seven Pillars of Wisdom-has become a classic of twentieth century English literature. Revolt in the Desert is not a work of literature, or even a history of the campaign. It is an account of the experiences of one remarkable British officer's war from his own perspective. His was a fluid irregular's war of lightning raids, of blown up railway tracks and trains, ambuscade and-towards the end-of open battle as the defeated Ottoman Turkish Army were harried as they retreated northwards. Here are the Imperial Camel Corps, armoured car squadrons, daring RAF pilots and their aircraft, Ghurkha and Indian infantry and a bevy of 'specialists' who are the forerunners of today's special forces like the SAS. It is, of course, unlike any other straightforward military memoir.—Amazo [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:179 Info

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