All books, rows 6751 through 7000 of 8136 total books.
Rose, George MacLean | A Cyclopædia of Canadian Biography | 1888 |
Rose, J. Holland | The Mediterranean in the Ancient World | 1933 |
Rosetti, Cezaro | Kredu Min, Sinjorino! | 1950 |
Rosman, Alice Grant | Mother of the Bride | 1936 |
Rosman, Alice Grant | Nine Lives. A Cat of London in Peace and War | 1941 |
Rosman, Alice Grant | Somebody Must | 1934 |
Rosman, Alice Grant | The Window | 1928 |
Rosman, Alice Grant | The Young And Secret | 1930 |
Rosman, Alice Grant | Truth to Tell | 1937 |
Rosman, Alice Grant | Visitors to Hugo | 1928 |
Ross, Ronald | Fables | 1907 |
Ross, Ronald | Philosophies | 1910 |
Ross, Ronald | Psychologies | 1919 |
Rountree, Harry | The Governor and Company of Adventurers of England Trading into Hudson’s Bay during Two Hundred and Fifty Years 1670-1920 | 1920 |
Rouse, W.H.D. | Homer: The Iliad: The Story of Achillês | 1938 |
Rouse, W.H.D. | Lucian's Dialogues Prepared for Schools with Short Notes in Greek | 1909 |
Rouse, W.H.D. | The Odyssey: The Story of Odysseus | 1937 |
Rowe, Nicholas | Jane Shore: A Tragedy. | 1714 |
Rowe, Nicholas | Ulysses | 1778 |
Rowley, Hon. Hugh | Sage Stuffing for Green Goslings | 1872 |
Rubinstein, Beryl | The Pianist's Approach to Sight-Reading and Memorizing | 1950 |
Rubinstein, Patricia | Autumn Term (Marlows #1) | 1948 |
Ruegg, Alfred Henry | Flash | 1928 |
Runbeck, Margaret Lee | A Man with Women | 1950 |
Runbeck, Margaret Lee | Miss Boo Is Sixteen | 1957 |
Runbeck, Margaret Lee | Our Miss Boo | 1940 |
Runbeck, Margaret Lee | Pink Magic | 1949 |
Runyon, Damon | Furthermore | 1938 |
Runyon, Damon | More than Somewhat | 1937 |
Runyon, Damon | Short Takes: Readers’ Choice of the Best Columns of America’s Favorite Newspaperman, Damon Runyon | 1948 |
Runyon, Damon | Stories à la Carte | 1954 |
Runyon, Damon | Take it Easy | 1938 |
Runyon, Damon | The First Stories | 1954 |
Runyon, Damon | The Last Stories | 1954 |
Runyon, Damon | Written in Sickness | 1954 |
Ruskin, John | La Bible d'Amiens | 1927 |
Ruskin, John | Sésame et les Lys : des trésors des rois, des jardins des reines | 1906 |
Ruskin, John | Three Letters and an Essay by John Ruskin 1836-1841. Found in his tutor's desk. | 1893 |
Rutley, Cecil Bernard | Sinister Island | 1942 |
Sabatini, Rafael | Bellarion the Fortunate: A Romance | 1926 |
Sabatini, Rafael | Captain Blood Returns | 1931 |
Sabatini, Rafael | Chivalry | 1935 |
Sabatini, Rafael | Columbus: A Romance | 1942 |
Sabatini, Rafael | Fortune's Fool | 1925 |
Sabatini, Rafael | King in Prussia | 1944 |
Sabatini, Rafael | Mistress Wilding [Anthony Wilding] | 1910 |
Sabatini, Rafael | Scaramouche the King-Maker | 1931 |
Sabatini, Rafael | The Banner of the Bull: Three Episodes in the Career of Cesare Borgia | 1923 |
Sabatini, Rafael | The Black Swan | 1931 |
Sabatini, Rafael | The Carolinian | 1925 |
Sabatini, Rafael | The Fortunes of Captain Blood | 1936 |
Sabatini, Rafael | The Gamester | 1949 |
Sabatini, Rafael | The Gates of Doom | 1926 |
Sabatini, Rafael | The Hounds of God | 1928 |
Sabatini, Rafael | The King's Minion | 1930 |
Sabatini, Rafael | The Life of Cesare Borgia | 1924 |
Sabatini, Rafael | The Lust of Conquest | 1910 |
Sabatini, Rafael | The Marquis of Carabas | 1940 |
Sabatini, Rafael | The Nuptials of Corbal | 1926 |
Sabatini, Rafael | The Romantic Prince | 1929 |
Sabatini, Rafael | The Sea-Hawk | 1915 |
Sabatini, Rafael | The Sword of Islam | 1939 |
Sabatini, Rafael | The Tyrant: An Episode in the Career of Cesare Borgia, a Play in Four Acts | 1925 |
Sabatini, Rafael | Turbulent Tales | 1946 |
Sabatini, Rafael | Venetian Masque--a Romance | 1934 |
Sackville-West, Vita (Victoria Mary) | Andrew Marvell | 1929 |
Sackville-West, Vita (Victoria Mary) | Country Notes | 1939 |
Sackville-West, Vita (Victoria Mary) | Country Notes in Wartime | 1940 |
Sackville-West, Vita (Victoria Mary) | Grand Canyon | 1942 |
Sackville-West, Vita (Victoria Mary) | Passenger to Teheran | 1926 |
Sackville-West, Vita (Victoria Mary) | Pepita | 1937 |
Sackville-West, Vita (Victoria Mary) | Saint Joan of Arc | 1936 |
Sackville-West, Vita (Victoria Mary) | The Edwardians | 1930 |
Sackville-West, Vita (Victoria Mary) | The Garden | 1946 |
Sackville-West, Vita (Victoria Mary) | The Land | 1926 |
Sackville-West, Vita (Victoria Mary) | Thirty Clocks Strike the Hour | 1932 |
Sadleir, Michael | Fanny by Gaslight | 1940 |
Sainsbury, Noel Jr. | Bill Bolton and the Flying Fish | 1933 |
Sainsbury, Noel Jr. | The Fighting Five | 1934 |
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de | Vol de nuit | 1931 |
Salaman, Malcolm C. (Malcolm Charles) | Hokusai | 1930 |
Salaman, Malcolm C. (Malcolm Charles) | Modern Masters of Etching: Sir David Young Cameron, R. A. | 1925 |
Sale, Charles | The Specialist | 1929 |
Salg, Bert | Pee-Wee Harris, Warrior Bold [Pee-wee Harris #14] | 1930 |
Salg, Bert | The Clue at Skeleton Rocks [Hal Keen Mystery #7] | 1932 |
Salg, Bert | The Copperhead Trail Mystery [Hal Keen Mystery #3] | 1931 |
Salg, Bert | The Doom of Stark House [Hal Keen Mystery #8] | 1933 |
Salg, Bert | The Lonesome Swamp Mystery [Hal Keen Mystery #6] | 1932 |
Salg, Bert | The Lost Mine of the Amazon [Hal Keen Mystery #9] | 1933 |
Salg, Bert | The Mysterious Arab [Hal Keen Mystery #5] | 1931 |
Salg, Bert | The Mystery at Dark Star Ranch [Hal Keen Mystery #10] | 1934 |
Sallans, George Herbert | Little Man | 1942 |
Salmon, Arthur L. | In Later Days | 1933 |
Salmon, Arthur L. | Swan Songs | 1938 |
Salverson, Laura Goodman | Confessions of an Immigrant’s Daughter | 1939 |
Salverson, Laura Goodman | Hidden Fire | 1923 |
Salverson, Laura Goodman | The Dark Weaver | 1937 |
Salverson, Laura Goodman | Wayside Gleams | 1925 |
Salverson, Laura Goodman | When Blind Guides Lead | 1925 |
Salverson, Laura Goodman | When Sparrows Fall | 1925 |
Salzmann, Siegmund | Bambi | 1929 |
Salzmann, Siegmund | Bambi: Eine Lebensgeschichte aus dem Walde | 1931 |
Salzmann, Siegmund | Der Hund von Florenz | 1923 |
Sampson, Emma Speed | In New York with the Tucker Twins (Tucker Twins #6) | 1924 |
Sampson, Emma Speed | The Carter Girls of Carter House (Carter Girls #4) | 1924 |
Sampson, Richard Henry | The Murder of My Aunt | 1934 |
Sampter, Jessie | The Emek | 1927 |
Sampter, Jessie | The Seekers | 1910 |
Sangster, Charles | Our Norland | 1896 |
Santayana, George | Egotism in German Philosophy | 1916 |
Santayana, George | Lucifer A Theological Tragedy | 1899 |
Santayana, George | Persons and Places: The Background of My Life | 1944 |
Santayana, George | Persons and Places: The Middle Span | 1945 |
Sasse, Alma | The Mystery at the Ski Jump (Nancy Drew Mystery #29) | 1952 |
Sassoon, Siegfried | Collected Poems | 1947 |
Sassoon, Siegfried | Memoirs of a Fox-hunting Man (The Memoirs of George Sherston #1) | 1928 |
Sassoon, Siegfried | Memoirs of an Infantry Officer (The Memoirs of George Sherston #2) | 1930 |
Sassoon, Siegfried | Sherston's Progress (The Memoirs of George Sherston #3) | 1936 |
Sassoon, Siegfried | The Weald of Youth | 1942 |
Sassoon, Siegfried | Vigils | 1935 |
Saunders, (Margaret) Marshall | Daisy | 1894 |
Saunders, (Margaret) Marshall | For His Country and Grandmother and the Crow | 1900 |
Saunders, John Monk | Wings | 1927 |
Saxe, John Godfrey | Selections from the Poetry of John Godfrey Saxe | 1905 |
Saxe, John Godfrey | Some Curious Flyers, Creepers, and Swimmers [Natural History Series--Intermediate Book] | 1887 |
Sayers, Dorothy L. | A Treasury of Sayers Stories | 1958 |
Sayers, Dorothy L. | Busman's Honeymoon | 1937 |
Sayers, Dorothy L. | Clouds of Witness | 1926 |
Sayers, Dorothy L. | Four Sacred Plays | 1948 |
Sayers, Dorothy L. | Gaudy Night | 1935 |
Sayers, Dorothy L. | Hangman's Holiday | 1933 |
Sayers, Dorothy L. | Have His Carcase | 1932 |
Sayers, Dorothy L. | In the Teeth of the Evidence | 1940 |
Sayers, Dorothy L. | Murder Must Advertise | 1933 |
Sayers, Dorothy L. | Striding Folly | 1939 |
Sayers, Dorothy L. | Strong Meat | 1939 |
Sayers, Dorothy L. | Strong Poison | 1930 |
Sayers, Dorothy L. | The Documents in the Case | 1930 |
Sayers, Dorothy L. | The Five Red Herrings [Suspicious Characters] | 1931 |
Sayers, Dorothy L. | The Greatest Drama Ever Staged | 1938 |
Sayers, Dorothy L. | The Haunted Policeman | 1939 |
Sayers, Dorothy L. | The Lost Tools of Learning | 1948 |
Sayers, Dorothy L. | The Mind of the Maker | 1941 |
Sayers, Dorothy L. | The Nine Tailors | 1934 |
Sayers, Dorothy L. | The Song of Roland--a new translation | 1957 |
Sayers, Dorothy L. | The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club | 1928 |
Sayers, Dorothy L. | The Wimsey Papers—The Wartime Letters and Documents of the Wimsey Family | 1940 |
Sayers, Dorothy L. | Unnatural Death | 1927 |
Sayers, Dorothy L. | Unpopular Opinions | 1946 |
Sayers, Dorothy L. | Whose Body? | 1923 |
Scadding, Henry, Rev | History of the Old French Fort at Toronto and Its Monument | 1887 |
Scadding, Henry, Rev | Surveyor-General Holland | 1896 |
Scadding, Henry, Rev | The Revived Significance of the Initials "U. E." A paper read before the Pioneer and Historical Society of the County of York, J | 1892 |
Scadding, Henry, Rev | Toronto of Old: Collections and Recollections Illustrative of the Early Settlement and Social Life of the Capital of Ontario | 1873 |
Schachner, Nathan | Aaron Burr: A Biography | 1937 |
Schachner, Nathan | Alexander Hamilton: Nation Builder | 1952 |
Schachner, Nathan | Ancestral Voices | 1933 |
Schachner, Nathan | City of the Cosmic Rays | 1939 |
Schachner, Nathan | He From Procyon | 1934 |
Schachner, Nathan | Nova in Messier 33 | 1937 |
Schachner, Nathan | Past, Present and Future | 1937 |
Schachner, Nathan | Runaway Cargo | 1940 |
Schachner, Nathan | The Menace from Andromeda | 1931 |
Schachner, Nathan | The Shining One | 1937 |
Scherf, Margaret | The Secret of the Wooden Lady (Nancy Drew Mystery #27) | 1950 |
Scheurmann, Erich | Der Papalagi. Die Reden des Südseehäuptlings Tuiavii aus Tiavea | 1922 |
Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von | Der Geisterseher | 1789 |
Schnitzler, Arthur | Traumnovelle | 1926 |
Schoepflin, Harold Vincent | Roadways of Mars | 1932 |
Schoepflin, Harold Vincent | Thia of the Drylands | 1932 |
Scott, Duncan Campbell | Canada and its Provinces: A History of the Canadian People and their Institutions by One Hundred Associates. Vol. 4, Section 2, British dominion, 1760-1840. Part II. Vol 4 of 23 (Canada and its Provinces #4) | 1914 |
Scott, Duncan Campbell | Canada and its Provinces: A History of the Canadian People and their Institutions by One Hundred Associates. Vol. 5, Section 3, United Canada, 1840-1867. Vol 5 of 23 (Canada and its Provinces #5) | 1914 |
Scott, Duncan Campbell | Canada and its Provinces: A History of the Canadian People and their Institutions by One Hundred Associates. Vol. 7, Section 4, The Dominion: Political Evolution. Part II. Vol 7 of 23 (Canada and its Provinces #7) | 1914 |
Scott, Duncan Campbell | In the Village of Viger | 1896 |
Scott, Duncan Campbell | Via Borealis | 1906 |
Scott, Duncan Campbell | [Makers of Canada] Volume 7. John Graves Simcoe | 1909 |
Scott, Frederick George | The Unnamed Lake and Other Poems | 1897 |
Scott, Matthew | Autobiography of Matthew Scott, Jumbo's Keeper; also Jumbo's Biography | 1885 |
Seabrook, William | Asylum | 1935 |
Seaby, Allen W. | Skewbald, the New Forest Pony | 1923 |
Seaman, Augusta Huiell | Bitsy Finds the Clue: A Mystery of Williamsburg Old and New | 1946 |
Seaman, Augusta Huiell | The Adventure of the Seven Keyholes | 1925 |
Seaman, Augusta Huiell | The Brass Keys of Kenwick | 1947 |
Seaman, Augusta Huiell | The Case of the Calico Crab | 1942 |
Seaman, Augusta Huiell | The Curious Affair at Heron Shoals | 1940 |
Seaman, Augusta Huiell | The Disappearance of Anne Shaw | 1928 |
Seaman, Augusta Huiell | The Figurehead of the "Folly" | 1935 |
Seaman, Augusta Huiell | The Shadow on the Dial | 1927 |
Sedgwick, Anne Douglas | The Little French Girl | 1924 |
Sedgwick, Henry Dwight Jr. | Samuel de Champlain | 1902 |
Seely, John Edward Bernard | Fear, and be Slain--Adventures by Land, Sea and Air | 1931 |
Ségur, Comtesse Sophie de | Old French Fairy Tales | 1857 |
Ségur, Nicolas | La génie Européen | 1926 |
Seltzer, Charles Alden | Parade of the Empty Boots | 1937 |
Seltzer, Charles Alden | Square Deal Sanderson | 1922 |
Seltzer, Charles Alden | The Boss of the Lazy Y | 1915 |
Seltzer, Charles Alden | The Mesa | 1926 |
Seltzer, Charles Alden | The Raider | 1928 |
Seltzer, Charles Alden | The Trail to Yesterday | 1913 |
Seltzer, Charles Alden | The Two-Gun Man | 1911 |
Service, Robert William | Ballads of a Cheechako | 1909 |
Service, Robert William | Bar-Room Ballads | 1940 |
Service, Robert William | Harper of Heaven | 1948 |
Service, Robert William | Ploughman of the Moon | 1945 |
Service, Robert William | The Poisoned Paradise: A Romance of Monte Carlo | 1922 |
Service, Robert William | The Pretender: A Story of the Latin Quarter | 1914 |
Seton, Ernest Thompson | Animal Heroes | 1905 |
Seton, Ernest Thompson | Bannertail; the story of a gray squirrel | 1922 |
Seton, Ernest Thompson | Bird Portraits | 1901 |
Seton, Ernest Thompson | Birds of Manitoba | 1891 |
Seton, Ernest Thompson | Krag and Johnny Bear | 1901 |
Seton, Ernest Thompson | Lives of the hunted | 1901 |
Seton, Ernest Thompson | Manual of the Wood-craft Indians, fourteenth Birch-bark Roll | 1915 |
Seton, Ernest Thompson | The Arctic Prairies | 1911 |
Seton, Ernest Thompson | The Biography of a Silver-Fox; or, Domino Reynard of Goldur Town | 1909 |
Seton, Ernest Thompson | The Birch-bark Roll of Woodcraft Indians | 1902 |
Seton, Ernest Thompson | The Book of Woodcraft and Indian Lore | 1912 |
Seton, Ernest Thompson | The Red Book, or How to Play Indian | 1904 |
Seton, Ernest Thompson | Wild Animals I Have Known | 1898 |
Seton, Ernest Thompson | Woodmyth & Fable | 1905 |
Seymour, Beatrice Kean | Maids and Mistresses | 1932 |
Shapiro, Lionel | The Sealed Verdict | 1947 |
Shapiro, Lionel | The Sixth of June | 1955 |
Shapiro, Lionel | They Left the Back Door Open | 1944 |
Shapiro, Lionel | Torch for a Dark Journey | 1950 |
Sharp, D. D. (Drury Dubose) | The Eternal Man | 1929 |
Shaw, (George) Bernard | Pen Portraits and Reviews | 1931 |
Shaw, (George) Bernard | The Political Madhouse in America and Nearer Home. A Lecture. | 1933 |
Shay, Frank | Mary Read: the Pirate Wench | 1934 |
Sheard, Virna | A Maid of Many Moods | 1902 |
Sheard, Virna | A Rose Enchanted | 1918 |
Sheard, Virna | A Summer Windfall | 1903 |
Sheard, Virna | Candle Flame | 1926 |
Sheard, Virna | Carry On! | 1917 |
Sheard, Virna | Dave Dalton's Lady | 1902 |
Sheard, Virna | Fairy Doors | 1932 |
Sheard, Virna | Her Passing Aquaintance | 1902 |
Sheard, Virna | Leaves in the Wind | 1938 |
Sheard, Virna | The Ballad of The Quest | 1922 |
Sheard, Virna | The Christmas Peacemaker | 1900 |
Sheard, Virna | The Man at Lone Lake | 1912 |
Sheard, Virna | The Queen's Tear-Bottle | 1918 |
Sheard, Virna | Trevelyan's Little Daughters | 1898 |
Sheard, Virna | Whom the Gods Love | 1908 |
Sheldon, Ann | Linda Craig and the Clue on the Desert Trail (Linda Craig series #2) | 1962 |
Shellabarger, Samuel | Captain from Castile | 1944 |
Shellabarger, Samuel | Lord Vanity | 1953 |
Shellabarger, Samuel | Prince of Foxes | 1947 |
Shellabarger, Samuel | The Door of Death | 1928 |
Shellabarger, Samuel | The King's Cavalier | 1950 |