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Shroud of Darkness (Robert Macdonald #40)

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Title:Shroud of Darkness (Robert Macdonald #40)
Rivett, Edith Caroline  Writing under the pseudonym: Lorac, E. C. R.   
(15 of 15 for author by title)
Remember to Ring Twice
Published:   1954
Publisher:Doubleday & Company
Tags:fiction, mystery


They were five strangers on a fogbound train--

a psychiatrist's pretty secretary,

an agitated young man,

a tweedy lady with a deep voice,

a stockbrockerish businessman,

and an eel-like "spiv."

One was brutally attacked in the choking black fog in Paddington Station. Attempted murder became bona fide manslaughter, and examination of the intimate lives of the passengers involved Chief Inspector MacDonald in a macabre game of hide-and-seek in which one man tried to find his identity and another was ready to kill to preserve the shroud of darkness that obscured his. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:123 Info

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