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Gormenghast (Gormenghast #2)

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Title:Gormenghast (Gormenghast #2)
Peake, Mervyn   
(2 of 6 for author by title)
Gormenghast (Gormenghast #2)
The Glassblowers
Peake, Mervyn   
(2 of 6 for author by title)
Gormenghast (Gormenghast #2)
The Glassblowers
Published:   1950
Publisher:Ballantine Books, Inc.
Tags:fantasy, fiction, gothic

Gormenghast is the story of Titus Groan, 77th Earl of Groan and Lord of Gormenghast Castle, from age 7 to 17. As the story opens, Titus dreads the pre-ordained life of ritual that stretches before him. To Titus, Master of Ritual Barquentine and his apprentice Steerpike are the embodiment of all he wants to rebel against. An important sub-plot involves Titus at school, where he encounters the professors, especially Bellgrove, who becomes Headmaster of Gormenghast school. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:464 Info

Author Bio for Peake, Mervyn

Mervyn Peake (1911-1968) was an English writer, poet and artist. Born in China to a missionary he arrived in England at age 11. In 1934 he spent three years on the island of Sark amongst an artist colony. He returned to London where he taught art, exhibited his own work and illustrated books. He enlisted in the army during World War II but was medically discharged due to shell shock, what we now call post traumatic stress disorder. He continued his duty as a war artist and in 1945 toured the Belsen death camp which profoundly affected him. He began writing his signature gothic fantasy, Titus Groan, which he published in 1946. This was followed by Gormenghast in 1950 and Titus Alone in 1959. Medical problems in his later years included Parkinson's Disease which limited further writing. He died in 1968. (Oxford Companion to English Literature)

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