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Accident by Design (Robert Macdonald #34)

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Title:Accident by Design (Robert Macdonald #34)
Rivett, Edith Caroline  Writing under the pseudonym: Lorac, E. C. R.   
(1 of 15 for author by title)
Bats in the Belfry (Robert Macdonald #13)
Published:   1951
Publisher:Doubleday & Company, Inc.
Tags:fiction, mystery

Accident by Design was honestly a really well done classic British mystery. I was surprised, expecting something subpar and generic. It was well-written, with interesting characters and some great descriptions of the British countryside and the work done on a tenant farm. The story is about a family estate in the early '50s. The patriarch lies in bed near death, but still quite aware. His eldest son is a feckless alchoholic with a middle-class (bad), Australian (worse) wife who hates pretty much everyone his father employed and has threatened to make a clean sweep when he takes over. When they both die in a car accident, too many people benefit and this alerts the local constabulary (who are very well depicted in the best British tradition of the no-nonsense, practical, reasonable police force). When their surviving son dies a few days later, by seemingly eating some poisonous berries, the game is truly afoot.—olmansfifty.blogspot.com/2013/06/12-accident-by-design-by-e-c-r-lorac.html. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:125 Info

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