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Wings Above the Claypan

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Book Details

Title:Wings Above the Claypan
Upfield, Arthur W.   
(8 of 8 for author by title)
Murder Down Under [AKA Mr. Jelly's Business]
Published:   1936
Publisher:Doubleday, Doran & Co., Inc.
Tags:Australia, fiction, mystery

Detective Inspector Napoleon Bonaparte (Bony) is sent out to the Coolibah homestead to investigate an astonishing occurrence. A little red monoplane, stolen from the flying circus, was found in a dry lake with a young woman strapped inside. She appears to be asleep but, in fact, a strange paralysis has gripped her. Only a subtle gleam in her eyes reveals that her mind is still functioning. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:230 Info

Author Bio for Upfield, Arthur W.

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Arthur Upfield (1890-1964) was an Australian writer. Born in England, he travelled to Australia as a young man. He joined the Australian army in 1914 and fought with them in the Gallipoli campaign and the Western Front. He met and married his wife, an army nurse, during his service. He returned to Australia and he worked at a number of jobs over the next 20 years mostly in Australia's outback. During this time he began to write, using his experiences in the outback as material for his books. He published his first novel in 1928 and over the course of his life wrote 32 books and numerous magazine articles. Upfield is best known for his detective novels, with Napoleon "Bony" Bonaparte, a half-caste police detective, as his main protagonist. (Kees de Hoog - Investigating Arthur Upfield)

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