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The John Wood Case

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Book Details

Title:The John Wood Case
Suckow, Ruth   
(3 of 3 for author by title)
Country People
Published:   1959
Publisher:The Viking Press
Tags:American, fiction, U.S.A., social upheaval

The setting is the little town of Fairview, Iowa, in the early nineteen hundreds. The Wood family--father, invalid mother, and seventeen-year-old son--are popular, respected people, and Philip, the son, is the bright, handsome valedictorian-to-be of the graduating class. In fact, the trio is a kind of bulwark, an exemplar of goodness for the town. And when it is discovered that John Wood is not an honest man, that he has betrayed his employer's trust and acted the hypocrite in his church, the news throws Fairview into a welter of dismay, as if one of its foundations had crumbled. Nearly everyone in the community has a violent reaction to the news, and so the essential fabric of the story is the revelation of how the town and its people deal, as individuals and as a group, with a moral crisis.--Goodreads. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:267 Info

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