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All Through the Night

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Book Details

Title:All Through the Night
Hill, Grace Livingston   
(1 of 10 for author by title)
The Angel of His Presence & Gabriel the Acadian
Published:   1945
Publisher:Grosset & Dunlap
Tags:fiction, romance

Romance, regeneration and religion, in a wholesome tale that Mrs. Hill’s loyal followers will enjoy. Dale, at the death of her beloved grandmother, finds her privacy invaded by her acquisitive Aunt Blanche and her two children, spoiled Corliss and rough Powelton. Aunt Blanche introduces wine, card playing and fast company—and only an automobile accident puts the fear of God into them—subdues them and helps Dale save them. There is a love story in Dale’s romance with David, a soldier, brought back from shipwreck through Dale’s unflagging faith and prayer.—Kirkus Reviews [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:201 Info

Author Bio for Hill, Grace Livingston

Author Image

Grace Livingston Hill (1865-1947) was the daughter of a clergyman. Writing novels was considered an acceptable way for a woman to earn money, so at the age of twenty-two she wrote her first novel, A Chautauqua Idyl and continued to write after her marriage to a clergyman—mostly short stories; articles for magazines; and Sunday School lessons. Novels became her focus after she was widowed. The original target audience was those of the Christian faith, however her later writings were aimed wider afield. She wrote prolifically under both her own name and using the pseudonym Marcia MacDonald.

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