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A Daughter of Strife

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Book Details

Title:A Daughter of Strife
Findlater, Jane Helen   
(2 of 3 for author by title)
The Green Graves of Balgowrie
All that Happened in a Week: A Story for Little Children
Published:   1897
Publisher:Dodd, Mead and Company

An army surgeon is betrayed by a friend who connives to marry his betrothed instead. They have a son. Some time later the surgeon marries and fathers a daughter. The daughter marries the son and drama ensues. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:154 Info

Author Bio for Findlater, Jane Helen

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Jane Helen Findlater (4 November 1866 – 20 May 1946) was a Scottish novelist whose first book, The Green Graves of Balgowrie, started a successful literary career. Jane and her sister Mary, sometimes referred to as the Findlater sisters, are known for their collaborative works of fiction as well as their own individual writing. Born in Scotland, spent the first twenty years of her life in Lochearnhead where her father was minister of the Free Church of Scotland. The family were not well-off, life at the manse was conservative, and the sisters' life was rather restricted. Their close relationship was of great importance to them, and continued for their entire lives. The family moved to Prestonpans with their mother after their father died in 1886. Jane and Mary tried to help the family finances by writing, while their older sister Sarah (Mora) worked as a nurse. It was ten years before Jane's book, The Green Graves of Balgowrie, inspired by her mother's family history, struck a chord with both the general reader and the critics. It had been written on grocer's paper; its success brought both freedom from financial worry and also literary acclaim.--wikipedia.org

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