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The English Revolution, 1688-1689

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Book Details

Title:The English Revolution, 1688-1689
Trevelyan, G. M. (George Macaulay)   
Published:   1938
Publisher:Oxford University Press
Tags:England, history, non-fiction, Glorious Revolution

The so-called 'Glorious Revolution' included a bloodless invasion by a Dutch fleet who were invited into the country by a group of nobles and parliamentarians who were concerned about James II and his new Catholic wife. William of Orange, was a Dutch politician who happened to be Protestant, and was the closest thing to a saviour for them. He and his wife Mary (a cousin who was the daughter of James' first wife) formed a co-regnal governance which created much needed stability in England. Governance reforms agreed to by William were instrumental in moving the country from a despotic monarchical system to the modern parliamentary system we have today. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:137 Info

Author Bio for Trevelyan, G. M. (George Macaulay)

George Macaulay Trevelyan (1876-1962) was a British historian. His father, George Otto Trevelyan was also a writer but of humour and political satire. G. M. as he was known for his authoring, was appointed Regius professor of modern history at Cambridge in 1927 and master of Trinity College in 1940. He is known for a trilogy on the Italian revolutionary, Giuseppe Garibaldi, and for his work, English Social History, a description of how the common people lived in medieval England. (Oxford Companion to English Literature)

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