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The Peacock Sheds His Tail

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Book Details

Title:The Peacock Sheds His Tail
Hobart, Alice Tisdale   
(3 of 4 for author by title)
Yang and Yin
Oil for the Lamps of China
Published:   1945
Publisher:The Bobbs-Merrill Company
Tags:fiction, Mexico, politics

The “peacock” of this novel of modern Mexico, is a symbol of the few who once held in their hands the wealth and power of the nation.

The proud Spanish caste that ruled old Mexico is personified in these pages by the Navarro family, headed by the patriarchal Don Julián and his wife Doña María. Through the decades of the twenties and thirties they wage a losing war to hold their grandchildren to their own credo of the triumph and continuance of the Old World within the New under the banners of Spain, the mother country, and the mother Catholic Church. Concha Navarro defies her grandparents to marry a “gringo” and a Protestant; the adventure of her marriage is the central motive of the book. Ignacio Navarro emerges painfully from the dilettantism to which he was reared to ally himself with the patriots of his country in their fight against the return to dominance of the hacendados and against a more recent enemy, the nationalist party of the Sinarquistas.—The Atlantic. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:339 Info

Author Bio for Hobart, Alice Tisdale

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Alice Tisdale Hobart (January 28, 1882–March 14, 1967) born Alice Nourse in Lockport, New York, was an American novelist. Her most famous book, Oil for the Lamps of China, which was also made into a film, drew heavily on her experiences as the wife of an American oil executive in China amid the turmoil of the overthrow of the Manchu Dynasty in 1912.

She published more than a dozen novels in all by the time of her death in 1967, with almost four million copies in print.


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