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Blood of the North (Corporal Downey #12)

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Title:Blood of the North (Corporal Downey #12)
Hendryx, James B.   
(3 of 8 for author by title)
The Challenge of the North
Black John of Halfaday Creek
Published:   1938
Publisher:Triangle Books
Tags:Canada, fiction, western

When Angus Murchie, son of a Scotch father and an Indian mother, came to the trading post run by his father, the old Scot told him that treacherous Jacques Larue, a rival trader and a whisky smuggler, had tried to murder him and would probably try again. Colin Murchie made his son promise that even if Larue succeeded, Angus would not kill him personally, but would help the law seek vengeance. Angus reluctantly agreed. The next day the old man was shot down in cold blood by Larue, and Angus, true to his word, had to hold his fire.

Corporal Downey of the Mounted took charge, and Larue was tried in Edmonton but acquitted. Outside the courtroom, Angus told the sneering Larue that no amount of lying could save him from paying the penalty for his crime. Larue returned to the North, but terror clung to him.

How Angus creates a psychological world of horror to destroy the murderer is a tale of revenge to remember.—Excerpts from Dustcover. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:187 Info

Author Bio for Hendryx, James B.

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James Hendryx (1880-1963) was an American author of western fiction. Born in Minnesota, he established his reputation as a writer early in his life. He worked as a journalist in Ohio for the Cincinnati Enquirer. In 1915 he began writing novels and over the course of the next 50 years he completed over 40 books and many short stories. All of his work was in the western genre. While there were many authors competing in this field, he established himself in the sub-genre of fictionalizing the Canadian West. He portrayed Canada as a relatively lawful and orderly society with reliable police and civilized courts. He developed several series including Corporal Downey of the North West Mounted Police, Connie Morgan, a children's book series and the Halfaday Creek Series. (Twentieth Century Western Writers)

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