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Sir John Macdonald

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Title:Sir John Macdonald
Wallace, W. (William) Stewart   
(4 of 5 for author by title)
The United Empire Loyalists: A Chronicle of the Great Migration (Chronicles of Canada #13)
The Family Compact: A Chronicle of the Rebellion in Upper Canada (Chronicles of Canada #24)
Published:   1924
Tags:biography, Canadiana, history, non-fiction, politics

For nearly half a century, the story of Sir John Macdonald was the story of Canada. There was hardly a phase of Canadian history during this period with which he was not intimately and vitally connected. And, at the same time, his career had a romantic interest not surpassed by that of the president of the United States who rose "from log cabin to White House." If, in these pages, the author has been able to combine this story interest with a general picture of Canadian history during Sir John Macdonald's long life, he will have attained his object.~Preface [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:91 Info

Author Bio for Wallace, W. (William) Stewart

William Stewart Wallace (1884-1970) was a Canadian historian and librarian. Educated at University of Toronto and Oxford University, he taught for a few years before becoming a librarian at the University of Toronto. He was chief librarian for 30 years before retiring in 1954. He wrote three books in the Chronicles of Canada series which we host here at Faded Page. He also began editing The Macmillan Dictionary of Canadian Biography, first published in 1927 and now in its fourth edition and remains a go-to reference for all notable Canadians. (Macmillan Dictionary of Canadian Biography)

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