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Nocturne Militaire

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Title:Nocturne Militaire
Springs, Elliott White   
(1 of 2 for author by title)
War Birds--Diary of an Unknown Aviator
Knight, Clayton   
(1 of 2 for author by title)
War Birds--Diary of an Unknown Aviator
Published:   1927
Publisher:Grosset & Dunlap
Tags:fiction, flying, World War I

“At odd times during my trip abroad with the A.E.F. and B.E.F. I made some notes. And at odd times since I have taken up these notes and tried to piece together a connected narrative dealing with some of the events and persons that appeared on my horizon. ... this is not strictly a war story. It is a story which may bring back to you the distant rumble of the guns or stir the memory of some long-forgotten music; but it is not martial. My friends do no great deeds of valor. They are not called out before the regiment and kissed on both cheeks by General Foch. They are not invited to lunch with the Prince of Wales. With this assurance you may proceed.”—Elliott White Springs [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:138 Info

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