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Herzog, Émile Salomon Wilhelm  Writing under the pseudonym: Maurois, André   
(2 of 2 for author by title)
Ariel (A Shelley Romance)
Miles, Hamish   
Published:   1927
Publisher:The Modern Library
Tags:biography, Great Britain, non-fiction, politics and government

A biography of Benjamin Disraeli who was Prime Minister of England in 1868 and again from 1874 to 1880. He played a central role in the foundation of the modern Conservative party. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:237 Info

Author Bio for Herzog, Émile Salomon Wilhelm

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Émile Salomon Wilhelm Herzog aka André Maurois; born 26 July 1885–9 October 1967) was a French biographer, novelist, and essayist. He spent ten years in his father's woolen mill factory and his experiences there were later used in his fiction. A French liaison officer and interpreter for Lieutenant Colonel Winston Churchill during World War I, he published a light-hearted book about his British army comrades, Les Silences du Colonel Bramble using his pseudonym, André Maurois, for the first time. Maurois earned a reputation as an acute interpreter of the English scene and as an outstanding biographer.

During the 1920s and 1930s, he published Ariel, ou la vie de; La vie de Disraeli; La vie de Lord Byron, and historical works such as Edouard VII et son temps; and Histoire de l'Angleterre. In writing his biographies, Maurois combined documentation, erudition, and imagination, to unfold the psychological development of his subjects. Two outstanding biographies were A la recherche de Marcel Proust and Promethée, ou la vie de Balzac. Maurois also wrote short stories and several semiautobiographical novels.

Sources: jewishvirtuallibrary.org; Wikipedia

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