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Beauty and the Beast

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Book Details

Title:Beauty and the Beast
Crane, Walter   
(2 of 4 for author by title)
A Christmas Child. A Sketch of a Boy-Life
The Adventures of Herr Baby
Published:   1869
Tags:fiction, juvenile, picture book, short story

Beautifully illustrated story book of the classic Beauty and the Beast. Can love save the Beast from the curse? [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:16 Info

Author Bio for Crane, Walter

Walter Crane was born in Liverpool on August 15, 1845 and died on March 14, 1915 in Horsham, West Sussex. He was an influential figure in the illustration of children’s literature at the turn of the Twentieth century. His father was a portrait painter. He got technical training, and an appreciation for it, while indentured to a wood engraver for three years. His influences were the Pre-Raphaelites, John Ruskin, John Tenniel, the illustrator of Alice in Wonderland, Classical artwork such as the Elgin marbles, and, like many artists of his time, Japanese wood prints. He was part of the Arts and Crafts movement. He was also an ardent socialist. In 1863, he was hired by Edmund Evans to illustrate some of the cheap yellowback novels he was printing. The following year, Evans had him begin the illustration of a series of sixpenny toy books. From 1865 to 1876, they began a collaboration on toy books of nursery rhymes and fairy tales, turning out two or three of them a year.

Crane’s work was characterized by sharp outlines and flat tints. His focus on unity of design led him increasingly to meld the printed text with his artwork. Moving from three color ink, he began to use watercolor washes with lithographs of his line drawings. Like the Pre-Raphaelite artist and designer William Morris, with whom he worked and collaborated in the 1980s and 1890s, he worked in many media, illustration, painting, stained glass, ceramics, textiles, and wallpaper.

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