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Around the Universe

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Title:Around the Universe
Cummings, Raymond King  Writing under the pseudonym: Cummings, Ray   
(3 of 62 for author by title)
Bandits of the Cylinder
Ahead of His Time
Paul, Frank Rudolph   
(1 of 14 for author by title)
Children of the Golden Amazon
Published:   1932
Publisher:Amazing Stories
Tags:fiction, science fiction

Here is one of the most interesting interplanetarian and interstellar stories ever printed. If you are attracted by astronomy, and like to take your lessons in sugar-coated pills, here is a story that you will not soon forget. The narration, incidentally, is written in a lighter vein, with Mr. Cummings’ indescribable good humor. For its breadth and completeness, this story easily commands one of the first rank positions in all interstellar space travel stories that have appeared in recent years. Mr. Cummings knows his science, and knows how to spin a most excellent yarn. You simply can not afford to pass this story by. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:78 Info

Author Bio for Cummings, Raymond King

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Ray Cummings (byname of Raymond King Cummings; August 30, 1887 – January 23, 1957) was an American author of science fiction, rated one of the "founding fathers of the science fiction pulp genre". He was born in New York and died in Mount Vernon, New York.

Cummings worked with Thomas Edison as a personal assistant and technical writer from 1914 to 1919. His most highly regarded work was the novel The Girl in the Golden Atom published in 1922, which was a consolidation of a short story by the same name published in 1919 (where Cummings combined the idea of Fitz James O'Brien's The Diamond Lens with H. G. Wells's The Time Machine) and a sequel, The People of the Golden Atom, published in 1920. His career resulted in some 750 novels and short stories, using also the pen names Ray King, Gabrielle Cummings, and Gabriel Wilson.

Photograph from Ray Cummings' grandson.

Author Bio for Paul, Frank Rudolph

Frank R. Paul (1884-1963) was an American artist and illustrator. He studied art and architecture in Europe before emigrating to New York in 1906. He designed several buildings there and also earned a living drawing political cartoons for newspapers and illustrating textbooks. In 1926 he devoted his work full time to illustrations, becoming one of the first professional artists who worked in the science fiction genre. He created cover illustrations for Amazing Stories for three years between 1926 to 1929. He drew for many other pulp magazines of the time continuing his work well into the 1950s. (Encyclopedia of Science Fiction)

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