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The Hounds of Spring

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Book Details

Title:The Hounds of Spring
Thompson, Sylvia   
(1 of 2 for author by title)
A Silver Rattle
Published:   1926
Publisher:Little, Brown, and Company
Tags:fiction, historical, romance, World War I

Edgar Renner struggles with the eventually of the coming war. His children. Zina, John and Wendy, have always been sheltered from any misfortunes that life can impose and his wife, Cynthia, has concerns with their ability to deal with difficulties if they do arise. Once war commences, John enlists feeling elated at the prospect of "doing his bit." Colin, Zina's fiancé, is more aware of the implications of war but also enlists while the women of the family are left to endure the reality of war and its aftermath.

The end of the war brings changes for the family, some good and others not, as they each try and make their way in a changed world. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:324 Info

Author Bio for Thompson, Sylvia

Sylvia Thompson was born on September 4, 1902 in Scotland and was raised in an upper class family in Lyndhurst, Hampshire, England. She attended Somerville, one of Oxford’s first women’s colleges, but left to pursue a literary career which lasted until about the end of World War II. She wrote popular escapist literature about the private lives of the British upper classes. She died on April 27, 1968, aged 65, at Reigate Heath, Surrey, England.

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