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The Sunset Tree

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Book Details

Title:The Sunset Tree
Ostenso, Martha   
(20 of 28 for author by title)
There's Always Another Year
The Storm
Published:   1949
Publisher:Dodd, Mead & Company

In The Sunset Tree the gleams are fitful. Esther Clarke is a girl who has talent as a singer but no serious ambition. She comes to New York and, after several love affairs, drifts into marriage as her voice begins to fail. The balance of the novel concerns Esther’s possessive relationship, years later, with her only child, a daughter, Ellen, before whom she attempts to keep up an unnatural facade of extreme propriety. She is helped out of this uncomfortable situation by her old friend, Love—and just in time, too, opines Miss Ostenso.—New York Times, Nov 6, 1949. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:196 Info

Author Bio for Ostenso, Martha

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Martha Ostenso (1900-1963) was an American author and screenwriter. Born in Norway, her family emigrated to Manitoba, but eventually settled in the U.S. Midwest. She studied at the University of Manitoba where she met another author, Douglas Durkin whom she married in 1945. They moved to New York where she continued her studies at Columbia University. Ostenso is best known for her critically acclaimed first novel, "Wild Geese". The book is set in rural Manitoba and is known as a landmark work in the new field of literary 'realism'. She adapted the book into a movie which was released in 1927. Ostenso published about a dozen more novels but none achieved as much notoriety as her debut work. (Canadian Encyclopedia, Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature)

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