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Freddy and the Perilous Adventure (Freddy the Pig #9)

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This book is a member of the special collection Special Collection: The Works of Walter R. Brooks (1886-1958)

Book Details

Title:Freddy and the Perilous Adventure (Freddy the Pig #9)
Brooks, Walter Rollin   
(17 of 36 for author by title)
Freddy and the Popinjay (Freddy the Pig #12)
Freddy and the Men From Mars (Freddy the Pig #22)
Published:   1942
Publisher:Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
Tags:adventure, animals, fiction, juvenile

The Fourth of July is no day for danger but that's just what's in store for the Bean Farm gang in Freddy and the Perilous Adventure. It all seemed so strange and exciting at first: Emma and Alice, Bean Farm's favorite ducks, and the intrepid Freddy, off for a glorious balloon ride to celebrate the nation's birthday. Of course, if Freddy and Emma and Alice and the other denizens of Bean Farm had known what was really in store for the brave aerialists in the Balloon Ascension they might just as well have remained quietly at home, listening to Freddy's poetry or to the boastful crowing of Charles. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:79 Info

Author Bio for Brooks, Walter Rollin

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Walter Rollin Brooks (January 9, 1886 - August 17, 1958) is an author best know for his children's books about Freddy The Pig. Possibly the world's most famous pig, Freddy is the central character is all the books, where he can seemingly take on any vocation. Brooks also created a set of short stories about a talking horse, which became the basis for the television show Mister Ed.

The Freddy books were illustrated by Kurt Wiese (1887-1974). Unfortunately, we are unable to bring you the many illustrations found in these books, as they are still under copyright. However, the books can be found in many libraries, and are still in print by The Overlook Press.

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