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Tortilla Flat

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Book Details

Title:Tortilla Flat
Steinbeck, John   
(27 of 31 for author by title)
Travels with Charley
To a God Unknown
Published:   1935
Publisher:The Viking Press
Tags:fiction, film/TV adaptation

The book portrays a group of paisanos—a small band of errant friends enjoying life and wine in the days after the end of the Great War. The central character Danny inherits two houses from his grandfather where he and his friends go to live. Danny’s house, and Danny’s friends, Steinbeck compares to the Round Table, and the Knights of the Round Table. Most of the action is set in the time of Steinbeck’s own late teenage and young adult years, shortly after World War I. The book was one of the author’s early works and an immediate hit for which film rights were sold. Steinbeck did however receive criticism for what was viewed by some as a stereotypical portrayal of Hispanic-Americans. The movie was not made until 1942 and starred Spencer Tracy, Hedy Lamarr and John Garfield.—Wikipedia. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:156 Info

Author Bio for Steinbeck, John

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John Steinbeck (1902-1968) was one of the great American writers. He was known for writing books filled with social criticism such as Tortilla Flats and The Grapes of Wrath. He won the Nobel Prize in 1962 for his "realistic and imaginative writings, combining as they do sympathetic humour and keen social perception." (nobelprize.org)

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