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The Nation's Missing Guest (Amos Lee Mappin Mystery #4)

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Book Details

Title:The Nation's Missing Guest (Amos Lee Mappin Mystery #4)
Footner, Hulbert   
(27 of 50 for author by title)
The New Made Grave [AKA The Whip-Poor-Will Mystery]
Murderer's Vanity (Amos Lee Mappin Mystery #5)
Published:   1939
Publisher:Harper & Brothers Publishers
Tags:Canadiana, fiction, mystery, Amos Lee Mappin (Fictional character)

The arrival of His Higness Ahmed bin Said with his retinue and magnificent jewels was heralded with a fanfare of trumpets. He was greeted by diplomats, sought after by anybody who was Anybody. His visit was the press scoop of the year. Especially as he was keenly interested in the beautiful Diana Morven . . . But as suddenly as His Highness was the Nation's guest, he became the Nation's missing guest, for his fat little person, and his jewels, disappeared mysteriously on a train journey. The Nation was in an uproar. Poor Luke Imbrie, who was responsible for His Highness, and in love with Diana Morven, called in his famous detective friend Lee Mappin. And before His Highness was found the finger of suspicion pointed everywhere. A thrilling, puzzling crime novel this, as ingenious as it is original.--From the Crime Club edition dust jacket. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:201 Info

Author Bio for Footner, Hulbert

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Hulbert Footner (1879–1944) was a Canadian writer of non-fiction and detective fiction.

His most successful creation was the beautiful and brilliant Madame Rosika Storey and her plain assistant who explains the evolving solutions to her boss’ cases. His Madame Storey mysteries fit the flapping 1920s like the long lizard gloves that graced her arms and did well supporting his traveling family’s lifestyle. His Rosika Storey cases appeared in Argosy All-Story Weekly every year from 1922 through 1935.--Wikipedia.

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