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Both Sides of the Street

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Book Details

Title:Both Sides of the Street
Cobb, Irvin   
(2 of 5 for author by title)
Exit Laughing
At His Best
Published:   1930
Publisher:Cosmopolitan Book Corporation
Tags:fiction, humour

Mr. Cobb looks up and down the world’s street and reports what he finds there. America’s favorite raconteur is at his best in this stroll along the universal highway.

The Folks Next Door—our South American neighbors—first claim his attention. Mr. Cobb says, “If yesterday belongs to Europe, and today to North America, then surely the opportunities and the promise of tomorrow are the heritages of South America.” Next he turns his shrewd observation and succinct wit on “The Folks Across the Way.” Europe is inspected and appreciated with a slant and a style that are distinctively Irvin Cobb’s. His saunterings end with “The Folks at Home,” in which he makes some pointed remarks on our own activities and ourselves. It is all the wise and genial estimate of a wise and genial man; one from whom we expect—and get—a fresh, penetrating viewpoint in the best tradition of American humor.—from advertising leaflet. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:191 Info

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