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Volcano Island

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Book Details

Title:Volcano Island
Spaight, James Molony   
Published:   1943
Publisher:Geoffrey Bles
Tags:Great Britain, military, non-fiction, war

Mr. J. M. Spaight, late Principal Assistant Secretary at the Air Ministry in Great Britain and a leading authority on air warfare, here describes the amazing growth of Great Britain’s air power and the development of its air strategy up to the end of 1942. His "Volcano Island" is Great Britain, transformed from a peaceful land into a hotbed of bomber-station "volcanoes," ready to wreak vengeance on those who seek to imperil the security of the world. Like Swift's Laputa, our island is now able to fly, so that neighbouring enemies can be "pelted from above with great stones, against which they have no defence but by creeping into cellars or caves."

How that assault began, from what small beginnings there was built up the massive offensive we are witnessing to-day, this book attempts to show.—Excerpt from the dust cover. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:113 Info

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