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Constable Guard Thyself! (Inspector Poole #4)

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Title:Constable Guard Thyself! (Inspector Poole #4)
Aubrey-Fletcher, Sir Henry Lancelot  Writing under the pseudonym: Wade, Henry   
(1 of 4 for author by title)
The Duke of York's Steps (Inspector Poole #2)
Published:   1934
Publisher:Constable and Company Ltd.
Tags:crime, detective, fiction, mystery

Two threats from a newly released convict—a poacher framed on a murder charge—put Captain Scole, Chief Constable of Brodshire, on his guard. Special men are assigned to protect him. But four days later, Captain Scole is found shot through the head at his desk in Police Headquarters.

A full week later, young Inspector Poole of Scotland Yard is called in to follow a cold trail in the face of open hostility from the local police. And the further he explores the murder, the more baffling it becomes. Could Scole’s First World War past be catching up with him—or something much closer to home?—Goodreads.com. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:218 Info

Author Bio for Aubrey-Fletcher, Sir Henry Lancelot

Major Sir Henry Lancelot Aubrey-Fletcher, 6th Baronet

(September 10, 1887 – May 30, 1969)

also known by his pen name Henry Wade, was Lord Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire from 1954 to 1961. He was one of the leading authors during the Golden Age of Detective Fiction and a founding member of the Detection Club.

He was educated at Eton College and New College, Oxford.

He fought in both the First World War and Second World War with the Grenadier Guards, being awarded the Distinguished Service Order and French Croix de guerre in 1917. He was a member of Buckinghamshire County Council and appointed High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire in 1925.--Wikipedia.

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