Book Details
Title: | The Ipswich Sparrow (Ammodramus princeps Maynard) and Its Summer Home | ||
Author: |
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Illustrator: |
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Published: | 1895 | ||
Publisher: | Nuttall Ornithological Club | ||
Tags: | birds, non-fiction, ornithology, science, wildlife, Sable Island | ||
Description: | The Ipswich Sparrow is a nondescript grey bird that escaped the notice of ornithologists until the latter half of the 19th century. It was found in small numbers, in the the wintertime, on the wind-swept sand-hills of coastal New England. It was named for it place of discovery, Ipswich Massachusetts, but where it nested nobody knew.
Eventually reports came of a "Grey Bird" on Sable Island, an equally sandy island 100 miles off the coast of Nova Scotia. Dwight visited Sable Island in 1894 and confirmed that the bird nested there. Now, Sable Island in a National Park and ironically ornithologists have decided that the sparrow is but a well-marked race of a more widespread species. Nevertheless, the Ipswich Sparrow is emblematic of its mysterious and enigmatic home. [Suggest a different description.] |
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Pages: | 72 ![]() |
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