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Rogue River Feud [AKA Rustlers of Silver River]

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This book is a member of the special collection Special Collection: The Works of Pearl Zane Grey (1872-1939)

Book Details

Title:Rogue River Feud [AKA Rustlers of Silver River]
Grey, Zane   
(30 of 52 for author by title)
Roping Lions in the Grand Canyon
Robbers' Roost
Published:   1929
Publisher:Walter J. Black, Inc.
Tags:fiction, rivers, western

Along the notorious Rogue River, gold seekers, crazed by the discovery of nuggets that made them rich overnight, are at war with one another. The river itself swarms with salmon, bringing along with them another kind of wealth and violent fighting between fishermen and the fish-packing monopoly. Into this scene comes Keven Bell, returning to face life after being handicapped by a disfiguring wound he received in World War I. Keven teams up with a broken-down fisherman and boatbuilder. When they try to buck the salmon-packing monopoly, they encounter violence and trickery; their boat is sunk and they are left to swim for their lives.

Keven is tended to by Beryl, the daughter of a gold miner. His convalescence is slow, but the autumn days, fishing and camping, make a woodland dream of romance. But no sooner has an operation straightened out Keven’s injuries than he is framed on a charge of murder in the salmon-packing war. Keven must carry on as best he can.—Goodreads.com. [Suggest a different description.]

Comments:This story was published serially under the title of RUSTLERS OF SILVER RIVER
Pages:178 Info

Author Bio for Grey, Zane

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Zane Grey, author of over 90 novels, is best known for his best-selling book “Riders of the Purple Sage”. Writing from personal knowledge of the western United States, his western novels feature fishing and hunting, along with horse and cattle rustling, water wars and land speculation. His novels and story lines became the source of 112 movies, several feature comic books, serial magazine articles, and the TV series “Zane Grey Theater”. In other endeavors, Zane Grey was an avid sports fisherman, writing many books on the subject, and he participated in the development of sports fishing clubs in the U.S., Canada, New Zealand and Australia.

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