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Fanfare for Elizabeth

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Book Details

Title:Fanfare for Elizabeth
Sitwell, Edith   
(2 of 4 for author by title)
The Queens and the Hive
English Eccentrics
Published:   1946
Publisher:Macmillan & Co. Ltd
Tags:biography, Elizabethan, England, non-fiction, royalty, Elizabeth I

This is the story of the childhood—terrible, but romantic and dramatic—of one of the greatest women ever born in England, Elizabeth Tudor. Born to be Queen, she lived for England alone, sacrificing her love and all her personal happiness for her country. From her earliest childhood she walked in danger.

In this book, we see the little motherless child disinherited because her mother, the light laughing Anne Boleyn (thought by the crowd to be a witch), had been beheaded for real or fancied adulteries. We watch that child grow into a great princess, who was to become a yet greater Queen.

The portrait is not that of the child Elizabeth alone. We see King Henry the Eighth and his variegated family life, the spying and terrors and splendours of the Court. We walk in the Nursery Palace of Hunsdon, and in the plague-stricken city of London, past suburbs where the criminals lived, and streets where the beggars died, past the bear-pits where the blind bears were tortured for sport. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:151 Info

Author Bio for Sitwell, Edith

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Edith Sitwell (1887-1964)

Dame Edith Louisa Sitwell, was a British poet and critic and the eldest of the three literary Sitwells. Sitwell published poetry continuously from 1913, some of it abstract and set to music. Her early work was often experimental, creating melody, using striking conceits, new rhythms, and confusing private allusions. With her dramatic style and exotic costumes, she was sometimes labelled a poseur, but her work was praised for its solid technique and painstaking craftsmanship.

“Still Falls the Rain” about the London Blitz, remains perhaps her best-known poem set to music by Benjamin Britten. Façade is a series of poems in which the poems are recited over an instrumental accompaniment by William Walton.

Sitwell wrote two books about Queen Elizabeth I of England: Fanfare for Elizabeth (1946) and The Queens and the Hive (1962). She always claimed that she wrote prose simply for money and both these books were extremely successful, as were her English Eccentrics (1933) and Victoria of England (1936).

Robert K. Martin summed up Sitwell’s literary career in Dictionary of Literary Biography: “Sitwell’s reputation has suffered from the exceptional success of Façade, which was often treated as if it were the only work she had ever written. Inadequate attention has been paid to her development as a social poet, as a religious poet, and as a visionary. Her career traces the development of English poetry from the immediate post-World War I period of brightness and jazzy rhythms through the political involvements of the 1930s and the return to spiritual values after World War II. Her technique evolved, and, although she always remained a poet committed to the exploration of sound, she came to use sound patterns as an element in the construction of deep philosophic poems that reflect on her time and on man’s condition. . . . She remains one of the most important voices of twentieth-century English poetry.”

Sources: poetryfoundation.org; britannica.com

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