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Death Makes a Prophet (Superintendent William Meredith #11)

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Title:Death Makes a Prophet (Superintendent William Meredith #11)
Elmore, Ernest  Writing under the pseudonym: Bude, John   
(3 of 6 for author by title)
Death on the Riviera (Superintendent William Meredith #4)
The Cornish Coast Murder
Published:   1947
Tags:fiction, mystery

Small hostilities were growing; vague jealousies were gaining strength; and far off, wasn't there a nebulous hint of approaching tragedy in the air?

Welworth Garden City in the 1940s is a forward-thinking town where free spirits find a home - vegetarians, socialists, and an array of exotic religious groups.

Chief among these are the Children of Osiris, led by the eccentric High Prophet, Eustace K. Mildmann. The cult is a seething hotbed of petty resentment, jealousy and dark secrets - which eventually lead to murder. The stage is set for one of Inspector Meredith's most bizarre and exacting cases.

This witty crime novel by a writer on top form is a neglected classic of British crime fiction. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:193 Info

Author Bio for Elmore, Ernest

Ernest Carpenter Elmore (1901–1957) was an English theatre producer and director, and writer of crime and fantasy novels. He wrote his crime novels under the pseudonym John Bude.

Writing as John Bude, Elmore published thirty crime novels, with Inspector William Meredith appearing in most of them. The first two, both of which were published in 1935, were The Lake District Murder and The Cornish Coast Murder, followed the next year by The Sussex Downs Murder. These three have since been reprinted by the British Library. Elmore was a founder member of the Norfolk-based Crime Writers' Association in 1953.

Straddling the crime novels were several works of humorous fantasy written under his own name, the most well-known being: The Steel Grubs (1928), This Siren Song (1930) (which features some MacGuffins), and The Lumpton Gobbelings (1954) (about an invasion of naked little people who scandalize the local villagers). Including the children's book, Snuffly Snorty Dog (1946), Elmore wrote a total of seven books in his own name.

Fellow British crime author Martin Edwards commented: "Bude writes both readably and entertainingly. His work may not have been stunning enough to belong with the greats, but there is a smoothness and accomplishment about even his first mystery, The Cornish Coast Murder, which you don't find in many début mysteries."


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