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There are Victories

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Book Details

Title:There are Victories
Harrison, Charles Yale   
(4 of 4 for author by title)
Meet Me on the Barricades
Published:   1933
Publisher:Covici Friede
Tags:Canadiana, fiction

There Are Victories is not a war novel, though I've seen it described as such. The conflict figures only in that a third of the way in, the protagonist, Montrealer Ruth Courtney, marries a man who disappears for a time to fight in Europe. He returns damaged, violent, prone to rape, and drawn more than ever to prostitutes. Ruth escapes to Manhattan, where she finds comfort in the arms of another man. He's better only in comparison. - The Dusty Bookcase. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:217 Info

Author Bio for Harrison, Charles Yale

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Charles Yale Harrison (1898–1954) was a Canadian author and journalist. He was born in Philadelphia and raised in Montreal. At age 16, he started working for the Montreal Star but his newspaper career was interrupted by the First World War. He enlisted in the army and was sent to France where he participated in the Battle of Amiens in 1918. He was wounded in the foot and spent the rest of the war in hospital. He returned home where he ended up in New York City continuing his literary work as a novelist, journalist, and public relations consultant. In 1930 he published his best known book, an anti-war novel, "Generals Die in Bed". He wrote another anti-war novel, called "Meet Me on the Barricades". The book which uses the Spanish Civil War as a backdrop is more of a satire and contains elements akin to James Joyce's "Ulysses". The book is significant for its self-consciousness as a modernist novel and as a political document. (Encyclopedia of literature in Canada, University of Ottawa Press)

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