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Other People's Business: The Romantic Career of the Practical Miss Dale

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Title:Other People's Business: The Romantic Career of the Practical Miss Dale
Smith, Harriet Lummis   
(7 of 17 for author by title)
Pollyanna of the Orange Blossoms (Pollyanna #3)
The Maze
Published:   1916
Publisher:The Bobbs-Merrill Company

Persis Dale is a spinster, a small-town dressmaker, and an inveterate meddler in other people's business—though unlike other such meddlers, she at least doesn't usually interfere without being asked, and she does usually leave things better than she found them.

—Dorian on goodreads [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:166 Info

Author Bio for Smith, Harriet Lummis

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Harriet Lummis Smith (1866—1947) was a prolific short story writer, publishing in newspapers and magazines such as McClure’s Magazine, the Youth’s Companion, the Independent, Lippincott’s, and many more. She also was one of the “Pollyanna” authors writing at least four of the “Glad books” as well as a number of novels and romances.

Born in 1866, she received her Bachelor of Arts in 1886. Her early career was as a teacher of mathematics and Latin. Encouraged by a publisher to take up writing full time she left teaching and dedicated herself to writing. She was a member of The Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore from 1909 and became president of the club in 1916.

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