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Scenes of Clerical Life, Vol. I

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Title:Scenes of Clerical Life, Vol. I
Evans, Mary Anne  Writing under the pseudonym: Eliot, George   
(1 of 3 for author by title)
Scenes of Clerical Life, Vol. II
Thomson, Hugh   
(2 of 4 for author by title)
Scenes of Clerical Life, Vol. II
Quality Street: A Comedy in Four Acts
Published:   1858
Publisher:William Blackwood and Sons
Tags:fiction, historical, literature, short stories

Three short stories published over the course of 1857 before being sold together in volume form in 1858. The stories share a setting—the fictional town of Milby—and some interest in a (different) clergyman working in the area. ‘The Sad Fortunes of the Reverend Amos Barton’ is the tale of a man who fails to appreciate his wife until it is too late, ‘Mr Gilful’s Love-Story’ is about the unexpectedly dramatic early love affair of a now single and unremarkable clergyman, and ‘Janet’s Repentance’ considers the suffering of an abused wife who turns first to alcohol, but then to the religious comfort of evangelical preacher Mr Tryan.—The Secret Victorianist. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:230 Info

Author Bio for Evans, Mary Anne

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Mary Anne Evans (1819-1880) was an English novelist. Born in Derbyshire she became her father's housekeeper. After he died, she acquired a small annuity which allowed her to live in London. She took up with George Henry Lewes, a married man who could not get a divorce and she lived 'common-law' with him which painfully estranged her from her family who took a dim view of this arrangement. Lewes had a large influence on her and encouraged her to write fiction. "Scenes of Clerical Life" was her first work, published in 1858 which appeared under her penname 'George Eliot'. Her next book, "Adam Bede" tackled the problem of seduction and the sexual double standard which existed in Victorian England. Evans was known for the psychological seriousness of her characters and her study of the complex relationship of people and society. The philosophical foundation of her fiction made her one of the major Victorian novelists. (Oxford Guide to British Women Writers)

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