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Earth and High Heaven

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Book Details

Title:Earth and High Heaven
Graham, Gwethalyn   
(1 of 2 for author by title)
Swiss Sonata
Published:   1944
Publisher:J. B. Lippincott Company
Tags:Canada, Canadiana, fiction, Governor General's Literary Award, romance, New Canadian Library

Earth and High Heaven won the 1944 Governor General’s Award for fiction. Set in Montreal, Quebec during World War II, the novel portrays a romance between Erica Drake, a young woman from a wealthy Protestant family in Westmount, and Marc Reiser, a Jewish lawyer and soldier from Northern Ontario. The young lovers are forced to confront and overcome the anti-Semitism of their society in their quest to form a lasting relationship.—Wikipedia. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:237 Info

Author Bio for Graham, Gwethalyn

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Gwethalyn Graham (1913-1965) was a Canadian writer. Born in Toronto, Ontario, she attended private schools of Havergal College and Pensionnat des Allières in Switzerland. Her first novel, Swiss Sonata was based on her experience at the school about 27 young women and teachers on the eve of World War II. The book won the Governor General's fiction award in 1938. She followed up with a better novel, Earth and High Heaven about a wealthy protestant woman from Montreal who wants to marry a Jewish lawyer from Ontario. The book highlights the upper class anti-Semitism in Canada during the war. Again she based it on her own experience when she wanted to marry a Jewish-Canadian lawyer. She won the Governor General's award in 1944 for the book. Graham worked as a journalist and she was a frequent contributor to MacLean's Magazine and Saturday Night. She died of an undetected brain tumour at the age of 52. (Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature)

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